This year's This World War II atomic bullet was killed.The Japanese Prime Minister Kishida "To make this summit add motivation to achieve the nuclear -free world, but Japanese public opinion splashed cold water and urged" don't turn Hiroshima into a political show. "

Asahi Shimbun reported that the G7 Summit was held on Friday (May 19) in Hiroshima, and Hiroshima Action Plan advocated by Kishida will also be released at the meeting.As Russia and North Korea's nuclear threats are becoming more and more real, the summit in Hiroshima is "historical significance."The leaders of G7 will also visit the Hiroshima Heping Memorial Hall to understand the real situation of the explosion of the atomic bullet.

Kishida pointed out, "In the face of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, we are at a historic turning point. The G7 summit can be held at Hiroshima, a symbol of peace vows, which is historic. At the summitActions. We must clearly express the strong willingness of G7 to maintain the international order based on the rule of law. "

Kishida hopes that the G7 can confirm the "Hiroshima Action Plan", which was the nuclear disarmament and non -diffusion action plan announced at the nuclear non -diffusion treaty review meeting last August.

However, the "nuclear -free" world advocated by the shore fields must penetrate the G7 country, and Japanese public opinion basically does not have any fantasies.

Asahi believes that although Kishida has repeatedly advocated the "nuclear -free world" at the international conference, Japan has not yet joined the Nuclear Treaty under the "nuclear protection umbrella" in the United States.The key is the US response, because the United States and Russia have 90%of the world's nuclear warheads.Russia's invasion of Ukraine has increased concerns about the use of nuclear weapons, and China's military construction and North Korea's nuclear missile development are also continuing.In the face of a severe security environment, how easy is it to talk about Japan as a "bridge" to the nuclear -free world?

The Japanese Business Magazine (JB PRESS) published an comment article, the title was "G7 Summit is imminent, but I still can't help say: Don't turn Hiroshima into a political show."

The article is written by the commentator of Hiroshima.He proposed that even though Kishida emphasized the significance of holding the G7 summit on Hiroshima, the G7 did not agree.The most obvious example is that the US Ambassador to Japan Emmanuel said: "G7 will once again clarify that there must be a strong nuclear deterrent power."

The United States, France, and the United Kingdom in

G7 are all nuclear powers.Germany, Italy, Canada, and Japan are under nuclear protection umbrellas.