The Thai Democratic opposition party agrees to join the Thai party to join the governing alliance led by the advanced party.

Agence France -Presse reported that former Thai Prime Minister Daisin's daughter Peitan Tan was announced on Monday (May 15) that he agreed to join the governing alliance led by another opposition party.

The leader party leader said at the press conference. , he has invited five opposition parties to includeTo form a ruling league for the Thai Party.In Sunday's parliamentary elections, the advanced party has the highest votes.

The 43 -year -old Pagoda shows that he is ready to be the Prime Minister.

The Pagoda warned at a press conference that if anyone tried to interfere with the results of the Sunday's general election, which led to the production of a few governments, it would pay a heavy price for this.

The chairman of the Election Commission Wen Baizong said at a press conference on Monday that according to 99.18%of the computing votes, the APPC and the Thai Party won 112 seats in the 400 seats of the House of Faces, 100 in the House of Commons.In the party seats, the Qianjin Party and the Thai Party also won about two -thirds of the seats.

This means that these two democratic parties have far exceeded the simple majority of 250 seats in the house.

Thailand held a national election on May 14, about 52.28 million united grids.Voters vote for the seats of the house and party seats.The 500 seats in Thailand include 400 constituency seats and 100 political party seats; there are 250 seats in the House of House, of which 244 are led by the military governance regiment, and 6 of the 6 seats are retained to military leaders.

Because 250 members of the House of House ofhere in Thailand are appointed by the military, even if the democratic parties have won the majority of the House of Commons, they may not be able to successfully capture the prime minister after the election.The Prime Minister candidate must get more than half of the support votes in the upper and lower courtyards, that is, at least 376 votes to be elected to the Prime Minister.