(Washington Composite) U.S. President Bynden assured the Philippine President President President, President of the United States, that the US's commitment to defending the Philippines is "strong as a rock", including the South China Sea.

Bynden held a talks with Macco in the White House on Monday (May 1st). This is the first visit to the United States since Maccoz came to power last year.The talks are mainly based on the prevention and economic subjects, and the United States and the Philippines seek to strengthen the relationship between the two countries.

If the armed attack, the United States will use the 1951 Treaty to fight against foreign enemies

According to a joint statement issued by the White House, Biden "reiterated that the promise of defending the Philippines in the United States as a rock" in the talks means that "in the Pacific, including the Philippine armed forces, official vessels or airplanes,With armed attacks, the United States will launch the joint defense commitment in accordance with Article 4 of the United States and Philippine joint defense treaty signed in 1951. "The treaty asked the United States to help resist foreign enemies when they were armed in the Philippines.

Pagota said that the Philippines is in the area with the most complicated geographical situation in the world in the world, so "very natural, the Philippines is looking forward to strengthening and strengthening the world's only treaty partner (the United States)Rebcing the relationship between the two parties, and we can play the increasingly tense situation in the South China Sea, the Asia -Pacific, and the Indo -Pacific region. "

The two emphasized "a firm commitment to the freedom of navigation and freedom of the South China Sea", and also reiterated "the importance of maintaining the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait" and believed that this is an indispensable element of global security and prosperity.

New standards focus on the military coordination

Before the leaders of the two countries, the Philippine officials stated that, given that the current national security situation is different, the two countries should keep pace with the times.

U.S. officials said at the briefing that the leaders of the two countries agreed to formulate new standards in order to strengthen military and economic cooperation.The new standards will focus on the military coordination of sea, land, space, and network space. The US government will also provide three C-130 transport aircraft to the Philippines, and explore more patrol ships to the Philippines.

During the administration of former Philippine President Duterte, Manila alienated long -term allies in the United States and turned close to China.After serving as President in June last year, Panada was drawn by Biden.The United States hopes to strengthen its military deployment in the Philippines, prevent the Chinese military attack on Taiwan, and its military expansion in the South China Sea.

In February this year, the United States and Philippine agreed to expand the 2014 US -Philippines to strengthen the defense cooperation agreement. The Philippines opened four more military bases for U.S. forces. Three of them were located in the northern part of Luzon Island.This agreement has increased the United States to nine bases in the Philippines, causing dissatisfaction in mainland China.

Experts pointed out that Washington regards the Philippines as a potential rocket, missile and artillery system deployment place to prevent Chinese mainland launching amphibious attacks on Taiwan.However, on the way to visit the United States, Pagoda told reporters that he would not allow the Philippines to become a "assembly point" for US military operations.

Midea increases the investment in the Philippines and the guarantee of clean energy and mineral properties and food

In terms of economic cooperation, according to a joint statement, Biden will send the presidential trade and investment delegation to the Philippines to strengthen investment in clean energy transformation, key mineral industry and grain guarantee.The Philippines will also jointly host the 2024 India -Pacific Business Forum held in Manila, which further establishes the Philippines as a key hub for regional supply chains.The two countries are also looking forward to establishing three -sided cooperation with Japan and Australia.

Bayeng said in front of the Sumikos that the United States will continue to deepen economic cooperation with the Philippines, which is beneficial to both countries.