Japanese Prime Minister Kishita Tianshio went to Heshan City to give a speech on Saturday (April 15). He was almost hit by a throwing explosive.The incident shocked Japan, because just nine months ago, the former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was shot and killed when he gave a help -election speech.

On the morning of Kishida, I went to Heshan City to make a platform for the candidate for the candidate. At about 11.25 am (at 10:25 in Singapore), when he came on stage to give a speech, suddenly someone threw a cylinder object to him, and there was still a occurrence.Explosion.

The guards subdued a male youth, and Kishida was safe, and a police officer was injured.Later, it was found that the suspect was called Kimura Tomoko. At the age of 24, he threw explosives similar to smoke bombs at the scene.Police are investigating his motivation to commit crimes.

According to the Japan Broadcasting Association (NHK), Kishida's trip is to help candidates for the re -election of the House of Representatives on the 23rd of this month.He first visited the Hesaki Fishing Port in Wakayama City and tasted seafood.Due to the prime minister's visit, more than 200 people at the fishing port assistant venue.

The explosives fall in less than one meter

When Kishida is ready to go to the podium, the situation occurs suddenly.According to the video broadcast on the TV station, I saw Kishida look at his feet, as if something fell off his feet.The scene was stunned and screamed.Then, the places stood by Kanada rang, and the explosion sounded.Kishida's portable guard immediately acted, and the suspects of throwing explosives were arrested with the assistance of the two citizens.

A official present told NHK that the situation was urgent and the Prime Minister was almost hit."When I turned around, I saw a thing about 2030 cm long and like iron pipes flying over, and it fell less than one meter from the Prime Minister Kishida. If it exploded immediately, I really don’t know what it will cause to cause what it will causeThe consequences. "

Kishida canceled his speech in the fishing port, but more than an hour later, he transferred to Heshan Station to give a speech for the election.

He told the masses: "Police are investigating the explosion that happened to the venue where I was going to speak. I was sorry for everyone to worry. I decided to give a speech according to the plan because we are holding an important thing.Elections must let this election go to the end. "

This incident reminiscent of the scene of the former Prime Minister Shinzo of the Senate in July last year.According to the Asahi Shimbun, Abe's widow Zhao Hui was shocked by the repeat of such incidents.She said: "This kind of thing should not happen again. Fortunately, Prime Minister Kishida is safe, which is more important than anything."

Banqiao Gong, director of the Public Policy Research Center of Research on Anti -terrorism, said: "This incident is aimed at the prime minister in reign, which is a very serious criminal act." He pointed out that similar incidents occurred again after Abe were shot.There are still blind spots that reflect the official security measures that reflect the officials of street speeches.As the Seven Kingdoms Summit is about to be held next month in Hiroshima, Japan, he urged the official to take the security issue seriously.

The Cabinet Secretary -General Matsuno Kazaki said at a press conference: "Elections are the foundation of democracy. We cannot tolerate such violence. In addition to maintaining the safety of people and citizens of the country, we will instruct the national police department to make alert.Also protect the VIPs from all over the country. "