Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that Chinese officials will visit Russia next week and meet with Russian President Putin, and specifically pointed out that the Chinese official visit to Russia "to be peaceful."

This is the first time that the Chinese official visited Russia after the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War; the scholars analyzed that the official visit to Russia was earlier than expected.Essence

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs released a state -owned visit to Russia from March 20th to 22nd from March 20th to 22nd.Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said at a regular press conference that Chinese officials will exchange opinions on bilateral relations and major international and regional issues that Putin have been concerned about bilateral relations and common concern, promote strategic cooperation and pragmatic cooperation between the two countries, and inject new new sides into the development of bilateral relations.power.

Wang Wenbin emphasized that China and Russia will practice true multilateralism, promote the democratization of international relations, build a multi -world structure, improve global governance, improve global development for the development of the third -party principles.Progress contributions.

Wang Wenbin said that Chinese officials also go to Russia for peace. China will adhere to an objective and fair position on hot issues such as Ukraine crisis and other international regions, and continue to play a constructive role for politics to solve the crisis.

The US media reported this week that Chinese companies provided rifles to Russia, and Ukraine also shot down the drone produced by China; Wang Wenbin responded that the cooperation between China and Russia was "bright and bright, frank."In terms of military exports, China has always adopted a cautious attitude, and has always controlled the exports of dual -purpose items in accordance with laws and regulations. At the same time, it has always opposed unilateral sanctions and long -arm jurisdictions without international law basis and unilaterally authorized by the Security Council.

The arrest order of the International Criminal Court accused Putin, which must be responsible for the crime of war

Putin invited him to visit Russia during a video meeting with Chinese officials last December.As the Russian and Ukraine War entered an anniversary, the outside world demanded that China ’s pressure on Russia continued to increase, and the United States also issued a warning to China on the issue of China’ s might and Russia.The International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant to Russia President Putin on Friday (March 17), accusing him of being responsible for the war of the Russian army in Ukraine.

China has expressed its position densely in the past month. On February 24th, it released a Chinese position document on political resolution of the Ukrainian crisis, urging Russia to launch peace talks.

Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang called on Thursday (March 16) and Ukrainian Foreign Minister Culba, and called on Uhanda to retain hope for the conversation. No matter how difficult and challenged, do not close the door of politics.

The Russian Tas Society previously reported that Chinese officials were invited to visit Russia in spring, and the Wall Street Journal said in February that Chinese officials were expected to visit Russia in April or May.

James Dorsey, a part -time senior researcher at the Singapore Nanyang Institute of Technology Rajernan International Research Institute, was analyzed in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that China's official visit to Russia seems to be advanced.Avoid the upgrade of the Russian and Ukraine.China just released its position document, and also tried to put the content of the document as soon as possible to show its position to the outside world.The main goal of China's official visit to Russia is to promote peaceful negotiations in Russia and Ukraine. However, there are no room for Russia and Ukraine to concessions. The role of China to be used to mediate will be a difficult task.

Zhu Feng, dean of the School of International Relations of Nanjing University, pointed out that Chinese official interviews may not have a major breakthrough to Russia and Ukraine's negotiations, but still have great political and strategic significance; China ’s position on Russia and Ukraine issuesIt is increasingly vivid, no matter what strategic value of China -Russia relations on China, China will still be consistent with the international mainstream opinions on the Russian and Ukraine issues.

It has been reported that after the visit to Russia, the official plan of China has held a video meeting with Ukrainian President Zelei for the first time.

Duoxi believes that if China wants to mediate the Russian and Ukraine War, it will inevitably talk to the leaders of both sides. China believes that it will also seek a neutral image in this way.The question is whether there is a substantial content between the two to talk about it, which depends on what results the Chinese official achieved in the visit of Russia.