(New York News) An international virus expert who surveyed the source of coronary disease said that they found genetic data related to the coronary virus in the sampling of the South China Seafood market in Wuhan, China, and these data are sold in this market.Pymoplasty wildlife -related.This discovery may provide new evidence that the theory of the crown disease was originally transmitted by animals.

This group of international virus experts on Tuesday (March 14) announced the results of this research at a meeting of the World Health Organization's "New Pathogenesis Original Science Consultation Group (SAGO)" emergency organization.

According to the New York Times, the genetic data about the samples in the South China market and surrounding wipes have been sampled since January 2020.At that time, the market was closed because it was suspected of being related to the newly appeared virus, and the animals sold in it had been removed.Researchers collected gene samples from the market walls, ground, cages used to close animals, and carts that transported animals.

This group of experts comes from the University of Arizona, the Institute of Skrps, and the University of Sydney in Australia.They also refer to the new batch of original data discovered by French experts in the database of Gisaid recently in the global sharing of influenza data.

They found that from the 29th stalls and some surrounding objects from the South China Market, including a sample collected by a hand -to -hand car and a watch -proof machine, the reaction of the coronary virus appeared, and it contains a puppet."He", RACCOON DOG) The genetic substance of this canine animal.

Lasmuson, a virusist at Emori University, who did not participate in this study, said: "This does explain that the animals in that market have been infected. It is reasonable to have no other explanation."

Camilist at the University of Louisiana, the University of Louisiana, said that although these samples show the early contact of the crown disease, the sample has been polluted by the genes of wild animals and cannot be accurately proved to be infected.Animals have triggered crown disease.

Scientists participating in the analysis of genetic data also admitted that the mixed coronary virus and animal genes are mixed, which cannot prove that a virus has been infected.Even if a virus is infected, it is impossible to confirm that it passes the virus to humans.In addition, the virus may also be transmitted to humans through other animals, or humans pass the virus to 貉.

But they also said that now known that canine animals such as 貉 may indeed spread the coronary virus, and the new discovery is also consistent with the virus spread from wild animals to humans.

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The results of the above research were first reported by the American Atlantic Daily, but the complete investigation report has not yet been published.

The American intelligence department has been inferred that the popularity of crown disease is a virus leakage accident in Wuhan Laboratory, but some people in the scientific community believe that virus is infected with animals after contact with animals.For this highly political traceability issue, the Chinese and American governments have continued to wrestle for many years.