(Morning News) The Federal Investigation Agency (FBI) said that The physical evidence obtained by spy balls is still very limited. At present, it has not mastered enough information to evaluate the function of balloons.However, the U.S. State Department has decrypted the information of suspected Chinese spy balloons, saying that there is a tool for collecting communication signals on the balloon.

Reuters reported that a FBI senior official who was familiar with the levy balloon operation said at the briefing on Thursday (February 9): "Only very preliminary analysis now, the evidence that has been found and submitted to the FBI is very limited."

FBI officials attending the briefing meeting revealed that the FBI has not yet exposed the "valid load" (Payload "(Payload).The valid load of balloons is believed to be mostly electronic equipment from airborne.

FBI refers to most evidence on the bottom of the sea, but investigators have begun to purify the retrieved section to remove salt and seawater residues.

When asked if any explosives or other harmful ingredients were found on the balloon, a FBI official said, "We have not found any types of energy or aggressive materials."

According to the Washington Post and the New York Times, earlier Thursday, the State Council has decrypted the information about Chinese reconnaissance balloons, saying that Chinese balloons hit by a US F22 fighter over the Atlantic Ocean can collect some form of electronics in some form of electronics.Communication.

The State Council issued a statement saying that when the balloon is still over, the US U-2 reconnaissance aircraft has taken the image of balloon to judge its function.Matter.

The State Council also said that the balloon has several array antennas, "believes that it has the function of collecting and positioning communication", and the solar panel on the balloon is large enough to generate electricity to run "multiple active intelligence collection sensors".

The United States said on February 8th that the Chinese spy balloon was shot down, belonging to a The fleet , Beijing has continued to use balloon to perform spy activities for many years, and has released at least four times to fly over the United States.

U.S. Secretary of State Brills held a joint press conference with the NATO Secretary -General Stoltenberg, who visited Washington that day, revealed that the United States is evaluating the wreckage of Chinese balloon salvaging, and has conveyed relevant information to dozens of countries to dozens of countries.Essence

White House spokesman Jean Piel told reporters on the Air Force No. 1 on the same day that China's balloon belongs to a fleet and has appeared around the world for many years.