(Washington Composite Electric) Republicans of the US House of Representatives launched a number of investigations on the Bayeon government, including cases of improper storage of confidential documents for the Ministry of Justice's processing of Biden's deputy presidential period, and the United States that the United States was urged to withdraw troops from Afghanistan.

Republicans of the House of Representatives Judicial Committee on Friday (January 13) written to the judicial minister, Galan, pointed out that the Ministry of Justice appointed the special adviser to the Biden confidential document case, which caused "basic supervision issues."They demanded that the Ministry of Justice, the Federal Investigation Bureau (FBI), the White House and Biden's lawyers provided relevant documents and communication before January 27.

Jordan, chairman of the House of Representatives Jordan, and Johnson, another member of the party committee, said in the letter: "It is unclear when the Ministry of Justice has discovered these documents and whether they concealed it to prevent the incident from being exposed on the eve of the 2022 election."

Komer, Chairman of the House of Representatives, also wrote to the White House earlier on Friday to question whether Biden's son Hunter had exposed to confidential documents found in Biden's house.

Bynden facing increasing pressure, asking him to explain more details of the national confidential documents collected in his home and former office.It is still unclear for the seven years when Biden ended the term of the vice president, who may have been in contact with these confidential documents.It is expected that the investigation may affect Biden for re -election in the presidential election held next year.

The Chairman of the House of Representatives McCawal wrote a letter to US Secretary of State Brills, asking him to provide records when the US military withdrew from Afghanistan in 2021, including intelligence assessment and communication with Taliban.

The U.S. military's evacuation of Afghanistan triggered chaos, causing the Bayeng government to face the attack from Republicans.McCord said: "The Bayeng government has repeatedly rejected our long -term supervision request and continued to conceal information related to withdrawal. This is ridiculous and shameful."

He said that if the Biden government continues, the House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee will exercise power and force these requests if necessary.