(Sydney Composite Electric) Australia on Thursday (January 5) announced that it will purchase the US high -engine multi -tube rocket system "Himars".

The United States provided this set of weapons and equipment for Ukraine in the Russia and Ukraine war to assist the Ukraine to resist the invasion of the Russian army.

The Australian Minister of Defense Industry Conlaoy said in an interview with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) that the Hemamas played an effective role in the Russia -Ukraine War and affirmed the government's decision.

Conlaoy said that the world's demand for Haimas has "increased significantly", and the government has quickly taken action to order this system first.

Hemimas purchased in Australia includes launchers, missiles and training rockets.

The Australian government hopes to deploy Haimas from 2026 to 2027. It believes that this system can not only prevent attacks on Australia, but also be shipped globally through aircraft for deployment.

Conlaoy pointed out that Hamas can expand the scope of the Australian army from 30 kilometers to 300 kilometers, and further expands to 500 kilometers through precise missiles in the future.

When asked whether Hamas will deploy in the Pacific region where China's military and foreign influence is increasingly influential, Conlaoy only said that Haimas can easily transport anywhere in the world.

He refused to disclose the price of "Haimas", and only said that Australia will spend 1 billion to 200 billion AUD (about 91 billion to 1.82 billion yuan) to buy naval cracks (NSM) made by Hemimas and Norway.

The Australian government said that the Norwegian naval crackdown will be equipped with Hobart -class destroyers and Anzak -class frigates from 2024.

Minister of Defense Mars issued a statement saying: "In the current strategic environment, the Australian National Defense Force is equipped with high -end and targeted military capabilities, which is very important."

He also said that the technical level obtained by these arms procurement promotes the modernization of the Australian forces to the forefront.