(Seoul / Brussels Comprehensive Electric) South Korea has expanded to tourists from Hong Kong and Macau, which originally only targeted at permanent epidemic prevention from mainland China.

South Korea ’s Central Epidemic Prevention Countermeasure Headquarters announced on Tuesday (January 3) that starting from January 7, passengers from Hong Kong and Macau must provide a yin proof of Yin, or providing a yin of nucleic acid detection (PCR) within 48 hours of boarding, orNon -home fast antigen detection within 24 hours is proven by yin.

South Korea has just begun from Monday, forcing passengers who enter from mainland China to detect crown disease before departure and arrival;For nucleic acid testing, the test at the airport must go to the designated facility for seven days.

The Korean Epidemic Division said: "This decision is considering the recent epidemic situation in Hong Kong, the increase in local passengers, and restrictions taken by the United States, Canada, and other countries.I will consider taking additional measures. "

1052 people flew from Mainland China to Incheon International Airport, of which 309 short -term stays were tested at the airport. As a result, 61 were yang, and the infection rate was 19.7%.

Belgium announced on Monday that wastewater testing from voucher flights from China is a new measure to prevent the spread of coronary diseases.

Fan Guhete, an expert from the Institute of Public Health, Belgium, said: "This is an additional supervision measure to confirm that the relevant data provided by China is accurate."

Belgium also requires passengers from China. If symptoms occur for seven days after discharge, crown disease testing should be performed, but it will not be enforced.

EU health officials set a meeting on Wednesday to discuss how to coordinate measures to respond to the Chinese epidemic.The Belgian government has called for the formulation of policies that can be implemented throughout the European Union.

According to independent reports, since this Sunday (8th), passengers from China do not need to be tested when entering the UK, but they can voluntarily choose to test or not.

The British government has previously announced that starting from January 5th, passengers who take off from China must show the test within 48 hours before boarding.Passengers conduct sampling checks to prevent new variants from entering the country.

French Prime Minister Bolne stated on Tuesday that passengers from China will continue to be tested.

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs: The corresponding epidemic prevention measures will be taken to the same

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning said at a regular press conference on Tuesday that some countries have adopted measures only for China's entry restrictions, lacking scientific basis, and some excessive practices are even more unacceptable.China is resolutely opposed to trying to prevent and control measures by manipulating the epidemic in order to achieve political purposes, and will take corresponding measures in the principle of peering in different situations.