According to reports, the attacker mixed with the crowd behind Abe and shot at him at a close range.The attending doctor Fukushima, the director of the emergency department, explained at a press conference that Abe's neck had two gunshots, and the large blood vessels in the heart and chest were damaged.

Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Friday (July 8th) was shot in a street speech in the morning, and was sent to hospital for rescue for five hours. He was 67 years old.Japan held the Senate election on Sundays on Sunday, which was not affected by this sudden shot shot in Japan.

Abe was assassinated at 11:30 am local time (Singapore time at 10:30 am).There are many listeners present.

It is reported that the attacker was mixed in the crowd behind Abe, and fired at him at a close distance from three meters.The image shot by the NHK female reporter showed that after the first gun, Abe looked back and looked back.Witnesses said: "When he heard the gunfire, he didn't fall. At the moment of the second gun, he saw him falling to the ground."

Japanese media reported that when the ambulance arrived, Abe still had consciousness and breathing, but then the cardiopulmonary function stopped falling into a coma. At noon, it was transferred from the helicopter to the Nara Medical University Hospital for emergency treatment.

Mrs. Abe Zhao Hui rushed to the hospital shortly after seeing the last side, the hospital announced that Abe was not cured due to excessive blood loss at 5:00 pm.

The attending doctor Fukushima, the attending doctor, explained at a press conference, "Abe's neck has two gunshot wounds, and the large blood vessels in the heart and chest are damaged. We have been transfusion for himHe died too much blood due to blood loss. The two gun wounds on the neck were on the front side, and there was a wound that seemed to be a stray bomb. "The medical team did not find bullets or warheads in his body.

After the gun fell to the ground in Abe, the attacker was made on the spot.The suspect is 41 -year -old Yamana Toruya. He lives in Nara. From 2002 to 2005, he was a member of the Japanese Maritime Self -Defense Force. He is currently unemployed.Police revealed that the suspect used a homemade pistol, and after searching the suspects, he found several similar homemade weapons when he lived in his home.

Nara police have listed the case as a murder. Police revealed that the suspect claimed to be hateful to a specific organization and believed that Abe was a member of the organization and shot him.

Li Xianlong: The incident is shocking and sad

Abe has attracted global attention by the shot killing case, and the United States, China, Russia and other countries have shocked.Chinese Prime Minister Li Xianlong stigned in Facebook yesterday that after receiving the news of Abe's injuries, he was very heavy.He said that the incident was deeply shocked and distressed. He expressed his most sincere mourning to Mrs. Abe Zhaohui and his family, as well as the Japanese people.Li Xianlong also posted a post yesterday, condemning this as a unreasonable violence.

Japan adopts strict control of guns, and it is extremely rare for political party leaders or former Prime Minister to be shot during the campaign.The Japan Police Department set up a countermeasure headquarters to conduct investigations to evaluate whether the police at the time had omissions.

Prime Minister Kishida Wenxiong immediately canceled the campaign and returned to Tokyo.He choked for a time when he spoke to the reporter in the evening, and vowed that Japan's democracy would "never succumb to violence."

Kishida Wenxiong: Lost a patriotic and great politician

During Abe as the Prime Minister, Kishida was a foreign minister.Kishida said with tears: "Unfortunately, he lost a patriotic and great politician. He once led Japan to face severe internal and external challenges with excellent leadership and execution." Kishida vowed that he would effectively inherit Abe's actual inheritanceThe idea, take responsibility. "

Kishida strongly condemned the suspect to shoot the former Prime Minister during the election activity.He also said that the election activities will continue and emphasize that the government will do its best to ensure safety."We must defend freedom and fair elections. This is the foundation of democracy. We will carry out tomorrow's campaign according to the plan. We firmly believe that we will never succumb to violence."

Abe served as the Prime Minister from 2006 to 2007 and 2012 to 2020. It was eight years and eight months. It was the longest prime minister in the history of Japanese constitutional government.

On the international stage, Abe is also committed to becoming influential Asia and international leaders. After the United States withdrew from the Cross Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP), Abe promoted the restart of the remaining countries to restart negotiations and concluded the comprehensive progress agreement for cross -Pacific partnerships (CPTPP) played a key role.

Merchants made a memorial to Abe's remarks, which pointed out that Abe's death means that Japan has lost a leader who can play a role in economic, political and historical consciousness.There are public opinion in Japan that it will not be ruled out that Abe's death will have a profound impact on the political atmosphere of Japan, and even pessimistic that the turbulent state of turbulence will occur like before the war.

According to the Japan Broadcasting Association (NHK), Abe's speech yesterday was originally arranged in Nagano instead of Utila.However, after watching the election situation the day before, I decided to change the itinerary to Nara.

Japanese democracy "will never succumb to violence."—— Prime Minister Kishida

This is a unreasonable violence.—— New Prime Minister Li Xianlong