(London / Washington Composite Electricity) Britain and the United States' anti -intelligence heads rarely delivered a speech on Wednesday (July 6) to warn China's business spy activities in the West and said that China's goal is to "loot"Western enterprises' intellectual property rights can ultimately lead the key industries.

The Director of the British Military Intelligence (MI5) Director McCallom and the FBI Director Christopher Lei Dang said at the British Intelligence Agency London Headquarters that Chinese spy activities posed a serious threat to the two countries.And this kind of threat will only increase.

Christopher Lei said that China's threats are "complex, lasting, and universal dangers for the United States and Britain and other allies.He has accused China of weakening Western companies by stealing Western technology, and achieved the goal of leading key industries through "looting" their intellectual property rights.

He said that Chinese spies are spying companies from Dacheng to small town, from the top 100 wealth to start -ups, from aviation, artificial intelligence to pharmaceutical and other companies.

He said that a statement from the US government pointed out that China is running a resource -rich hacker program, which is more than the sum of all other major countries.He also said that China regards the Internet as a way to deceive and theft.

US network security companies have long claimed that China has carried out extensive hackers.Last year, the United States, Britain, and its allies officially blamed Microsoft Exchange by the Internet attack on attackers related to the Chinese government, and accused the Chinese government of leading a series of extensive "malicious network activities".The United States has also accused four Chinese citizens affiliated with the Ministry of National Security entering dozens of companies in the United States and foreign companies, universities, and government agencies for several years.

McCallom said to officials, scholars, and corporate executives present that the five places in military conditions have sharply expanded to China, and their current survey is seven times that of 2018.He said: "We plan to expand our actions while continuing to deal with the hidden threats of Russia and Iran."

He said that the Chinese intelligence department adopted a slow and patient way in developing resources and obtaining information, and those locked as targets rarely realized that they were used.

McCallom said that the Chinese government is interested in Western democracy, media and legal systems. Unfortunately, it is to use them to seek benefits.He pointed out that from the perspective of quantity, it is not information about the information units in the face of the risk of Chinese theft, but the world -leading professional knowledge, technology, research and business advantages developed and owned by the present.

Chinese embassy in the UK: British and American statements have no basis

McCallom and Christopher Lee also warned that if mainland China invaded Taiwan, it would cause huge interference in global commerce and industry.They urged enterprises to keep their vigilance and report potential threats.

When responding to the remarks of the two in the UK in the UK, the saying that the British and American claims "have no basis", aiming to discredit the Chinese political system and incite anti -China emotions.A spokesman for the Chinese Embassy said that China urged the two countries to "recognize the trend of the times, abandon the cold war thinking that has long been outdated, stop spreading 'Chinese threat theory', and stop creating confrontation and conflict."

The National Anti -Intelligence and Security Center issued a notice warning to local officials that China is affecting state and local leaders through lobbying or other ways, hoping that they will force the government to implement a more friendly policy for Beijing.The announcement said that China understands the autonomy of the United States and local leaders to enjoy a certain degree of autonomy.