(London Composite Electric) It is reported that before the 21st of this month, the British Conservative Party narrowed the list of prime ministers to the last two, and selected Johnson's successor for the forced steps to step down before September.Essence

Johnson issued a resignation statement on Thursday that he would stay in office until the successor of this year. However, Britain asked him to step down immediately.

Bloomberg reported that an anonymous member of the 1922 committee that formulated the rules of the conservative party leadership disclosed that the committee hopes that the party leader in the first stage will be completed before July 21, and the British parliament will enter at that time to enterSummer rest period.

It is known that in the first stage, 358 conservative members will vote through several rounds of voting. Each round will eliminate the person with the least votes, and eventually reduce the compete to two.

Famous insiders said that the second stage of competing for work takes six weeks. The British conservatives will vote and choose one of the last two.

It is reported that the 1922 committee will limit the number of people to compete and increase the threshold for candidates. For example, the competitors must have a certain number of support.

At the same time, in order to avoid excessive voting rounds, the committee may stipulate that competing must receive a certain percentage of support votes, otherwise it will be eliminated directly.

After Johnson announced his resignation on Thursday, Tom Tugendhat, chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of Commons, announced the first time that he would compete for the Conservative Party leader and Prime Minister.

Togen Dart said in a review article in the Daily Telegraph that he hopes to set up a new government with a "wide alliance" to start a new start of politically.

The most popular Wallace is the most popular

The figure of the Hua Eagle School wrote: "I used to serve in the army before, and now it is serving the parliament. At the current moment, I hope to respond to the call again and strive to become the prime minister."

British gaming companies are also preparing for the new Prime Minister's reference.Sky Bet's odds show that the Secretary of Defense, Ben Wallace, is the most popular with Rishi Sunak, who resigned as a financial minister.

Minister of Trade Penny Mordaunt is the third largest popular candidate.Foreign Minister Liz Truss and Minister of Health Sajid Javid also squeezed into the top five.

More than half of the interviewed people opposed Johnson's announcement after resignation

The prime minister Johnson, the prime minister, announced his resignation from the position of Prime Minister on Thursday at noon on Thursday, but he will be the Prime Minister of the Detention until his successor.

According to a polls announced by the British Public Observation Corporation, 56 % of the British interviewed by the British opposed, and Johnson stayed after his resignation.

Former British Prime Minister Mei Jie said in an open letter that Johnson, who lost the support of all parties, continued to stay. This was "unwise and unsustainable." Johnson should immediately leave Tangning Street.

The Labor Party's head Tatmore said that if Johnson did not step down as soon as possible, he would stay in the position of Prime Minister "insisting on speaking for a few months of nonsense".