(Washington Composite Electric) When the US government considers whether to curb inflation by canceling some tariffs on China, the Office of the US Trade Representative has received more than 400 industry requests, hoping that the government will retain these tariffs.

There are 24 of these 400 requests from unions, including the largest union organization "US Labor Federation and Industrial Trade Union Federation" and "Airline Pilot Association".They demand that all tariffs levied by the Trump administration quoted the Trump administration quoted the "301 clauses", which covers approximately US $ 370 billion (about 520 billion yuan) Chinese imported goods.

This complicates the decision -making of President Biden.Because if he cancels the tariffs, he will abandon his key support group.Biden once said that he was the president of the most close to the union in history. He could win in the Democratic Election and Election of the Presidential Election in 2020, and the trade union contributed.

White House: The date of the worship call is not determined

The White House press secretary Pierre said on Tuesday that the Biden team is still weighing various options for tariffs.When asked if Biden would wait until he announced his decision with the official Chinese official, Pierre refused to comment.The proposed Xi -worship call has not yet been set.

Those who are familiar with the investigation of tariffs say that Biden is still weighing whether some tariffs will be canceled, and combined with new 301 investigations on key industries such as industrial subsidies and attempts to dominate semiconductors.

Investigation will take up to one year and may lead to a new round of tariffs, but sources say that Bayeng can claim that any such tariffs will be more than currently consumer goods such as cotton sweater and home Internet.Many tariffs levied are more strategic.

However, economists believe that Biden's measurement of tariffs on consumer goods collection of Chinese consumer goods is almost unparalleled to inhibit inflation, but may further affect Democratic candidates in the election campaign.

Barclays Bank estimates that, given that China's imported goods occupy a relatively small share in the US consumer basketball, all of the biggest direct impacts on the largest direct tariffs on China are only 0.3 percentage points of American inflation.The annual inflation rate in the United States in May was as high as 8.6%.

According to the research of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, the high inflation rate in the United States is about half of the supply restrictions from the exacerbation of the Russian and Ukraine War.