Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Zhao Lijian said at a regular press conference earlier that Abe had contributed to the improvement and development of Sino -Japanese relations."Relations are associated."When asked some Chinese netizens cheering for Abe, he said, "I will not comment on the speech of netizens."

(Tokyo Composite Electric) Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was assassinated and shocked the international community.The United States, South Korea, Thailand, India, Australia, the United Kingdom, and the European Union all show that they are with Japan.China expressed concern and condolences to Abe's assassination, and Russia also condemned Abe as a "terrorist act."

U.S. Secretary of State Brosakus told reporters by the Foreign Minister meeting of the G20 (G20) Foreign Minister at the Bali Island of Bali, Indonesia that Abe's assassination was shocking and disturbed, saying that he was a distant leader, the United States, the United States, the United States"Extraordinary partners", "bring the relationship between the United States and Japan to a new height."

China: Abe has contributed to improving and developing Sino -Japanese relations

The Chinese Embassy in Japan expressed condolences to Abe's assassination and death, and a spokesman for the embassy issued a statement: "The former Prime Minister Abe contributed to improving Sino -Japanese relations.Express condolences. "

Zhao Lijian, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said earlier at a regular press conference that Abe had contributed to the improvement and development of Sino -Japanese relations.When asked by some Chinese netizens cheering for Abe, Zhao Lijian said that he would "not comment on netizens' remarks."

Abe is a controversial figure in China because he promotes Japan to increase defense expenses and advocates revising the Japanese post -war peace constitution.

Putin Zanzu is an outstanding politician

Russian President Putin, who sent Abe's family, said that Abe's death was "irreplaceable loss."He also praised Abe as an "outstanding politician" and did a lot of work for the development of "Russian -Japan -Japanese -neighborly and friendly relations".

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement earlier that the attack on Abe was a "terrorist act.""We believe that those who plan and implement this crime will be responsible for this terrorist act."

Japan -Russia relations cool down because of Moscow's invasion of Ukraine.Japanese Foreign Minister Lin Fangzheng refused to participate in a recruitment of G20 with a Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov attended.

South Korean President Yin Xiyue said that shooting was "unforgivable criminal act.""I expressed their condolences to the last prime minister in the history of the constitutional constitutional government and the survivable politician's survivor Abe and the Japanese people."

The Thai Foreign Minister Pamwana issued a statement saying that Prime Minister Ba Yu was shocked by the incident."Japan has always been a close friend of Thailand. Abe and Bayu are good friends. They have a close relationship. They have met many times."

Actively develop economic and trade relations with Southeast Asian countries after World War II.Abe has undertaken the Southeast Asian policy of his predecessors. In the eight years of his second administration in 2012, the strategic partnerships of Japan and Asia's countries have been deepened.

The British Prime Minister Johnson, who has just announced the step down, praised Abe's leading role, and said that Britain was "at this dark and sad moment" with Japan.He said in the tweet: "The killing of Abe made people feel unparalleled. People will remember the global leadership he played in an uncertain age."

The President of the European Council Michelle stated in Twitter that he was shocked and sad about "this cowardly attack."He also said that Abe is "a real friend of a real friend, a firm defender of multilateral order and democratic values."

The Chairman of the European Commission, Feng Delin, tweeted: "Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was killed by cruelly and cowardly, and shocked the world. I can never understand why the great man was brutally killed. Japan, Europeans mourn with you with you."

NATO Secretary -General Stoltenberg is deeply sad for Abe's "this iconic incident."He said Abe was "democratic defenders, my friends and colleagues for many years."