(Seoul Composite Electric) North Korea is allegedly preparing to conduct seventh nuclear tests. South Korean President Yin Xiyue ordered the military. Once Pyongyang has any provocative behavior, the Korean army must fight back "quickly and harshly."

Yin Xiyue, who took office in May this year, issued the order when he held his first meeting with South Korea's highest military commander.

The Presidential Office issued a statement on Wednesday (July 6) that Yin Xiyue also ordered the army to have a strong ability to prevent the possibility of the North Korean Nuclear and missile plans and reducing Pyongyang's provocation."President said that there are more uncertainty factor in the surrounding area of South Korea and Northeast Asia. Therefore, there must be strong defense to protect national security and interests."

The conference between Yin Xiyue and the senior officials of the Han Army was held on Wednesday, which is the next day when the US Air Force F-35A stealth fighter aircraft was deployed on the Korean Peninsula after five years.The last time the U.S. military deployed the F-35 fighter in South Korea in December 2017; at that time, North Korea continued to test missile missiles and launched the sixth nuclear test, which led to heating the situation in the Korean Peninsula.

North Korea conducted missile tests at an unprecedented speed this year, and is believed to be preparing to launch the seventh nuclear test.If it is true, this will be the first nuclear test in North Korea in the past five years.

Last week, during the NATO summit, Yin Xiyue held a third -side talks with the US President Bayiden and the Japanese Prime Minister Kishita, and reiterated that the cooperation was not nuclear.