(Washington News) U.S. media reported that the U.S. military plans to use US $ 27.1 million (about S $ 38 million) for military high -air balloon projects in fiscal 2023, including monitoring Russia and Chinese high -almithmic missiles.

The Politico website quotes the content of Washington's budget solution and interviewed experts that the balloon is equipped with a solar panel, installed a monitoring equipment, and plans to put it on a high altitude from 18.3 to 27.4 kilometers from the surface.The aircraft can supplement the more expensive satellite system that the Pentagon is using.

Tom Karako, a senior researcher at the US Strategic International Research Center, said the balloon may be the basic desk of various platforms, including communication, data transmission hubs, reconnaissance operations, and threats to weapons such as hemo -speed missiles.He pointed out that a platform that deployed on high and high altitudes has many application advantages, including mobility and multiple tasks.

The US Department of Defense has previously launched 25 monitoring balloons to perform a variety of tasks, including cracking down on drug trafficking.The US Department of Defense has not commented on their current use.

It is also reported that in the "Leiyun" exercise held last year, eight special high -altitude balloon systems appeared.It is said that these high -altitude balloon systems stayed at tens of thousands of meters high for a long time and played the role of "ultra -low -orbital satellite".In addition to the optoelectronics and electronic reconnaissance of this balloon, another important role of its is to ensure that the information transmission is smooth as a communication node, and it can even provide aiming information for remote precise strike firepower.

During the Cold War, the United States once made a "spy balloon" for the Soviet Union.It has a huge body and a diameter of nearly 40 meters. It is equipped with Citroen's camera and positioning system in the hanging basket, which can take pictures of the Soviet Union at an high altitude of 18,000 meters.But in the end, because the balloon was too "freely and loose", it "followed the waves", and the results were very small.

It is reported that according to international law, the balloon used by the army is a national aircraft, and the same requirements as the aircraft of other countries are limited.