Although the draft has not named China, the European Commission proposed these measures after EU companies complained that Chinese companies received huge support from domestic government last year, so they were largely considered to be targeted at BeijingEssence

(Brussels Comprehensive) The European Union finalized a draft agreement on Thursday to prevent foreign companies from abusing national subsidies to acquire EU companies, or squeeze competitors in large EU procurement contracts.

Once these new regulations come into effect, they will give EU competition supervision agencies' new powers to investigate foreign companies that want to buy EU companies or public contracts.

According to the draft, the European Union has the right to stop foreign companies that have subsidized more than 50 million euros (about 72.9 million yuan) to acquire EU companies with an annual turnover of more than 500 million euros.Large public contracts with 50 million euros.

If foreign companies do not notify the Allowances obtained to the EU, they may face a fine of 10 % of Gundam's total business.

The unfair competition brought by Chinese state -owned enterprises has long been one of the key topics that the European Union has paid close attention to.

In the past, some analysts believe that EU member states are increasingly worried that the decline in the stock price of EU companies during the crown disease epidemic will attract the wave of acquisition, and Chinese companies with national support may be the biggest winner.

Although the above -mentioned draft did not name China, the European Commission complained that last year, EU companies complained that Chinese companies had received the huge support of the domestic government last year, so they were largely considered to be targeted at Beijing.

The negotiating representatives of the European Parliament, the European Union Commission, and the European Union's rotating chairman of the country France finalized legal text after consultation.The text eventually requires the approval of 27 member states of the EU, and it can take effect after obtaining it at the European Parliament's plenary plenary conference. It is generally believed that the possibility of opposition is unlikely and should be passed smoothly.

Vice Chairman and Competitive Affairs Commissioner of the European Commission, Westgig, said in a Twitter that the European Union should do so to ensure fairness.He said: "We control the national aid within the European Union, and now we must ensure that the European economy will not be damaged by foreign subsidies."

New regulations are expected to take effect

Vestig is expected to take effect in mid -2023.

The French Minister of Finance Lemel issued a statement saying that the draft agreement was finalized, "It is an important step in protecting the government by other countries through huge subsidies to the industry ... This is an important step in protecting our economic interests."" ".

However, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in the European Union expressed doubts about the feasibility of new regulations, saying that it would cause the festival and the uncertainty of the law.Chamber of Commerce in South Korea, India, Australia and Japan is consistent with the views of the American Chamber of Commerce.

Belle, the director of the European Enterprise Federation BUSINESS EUROPE, also expressed concern. Belle said: "We now need to ensure the implementation of the regulations, which can effectively solve the problem of the most distorted foreign subsidies, and minimize the company and the public administrative department of the company and the public administrative department.Administrative burden. "