(Madrid Comprehensive) warned Turkish President Erdogan on Thursday (July 1) that if Finland and Sweden did not fulfill the agreement reached with Turkey, he could still prevent the two countries from joining NATO.

Erdogan issued the above warnings after the NATO Madrid Summit.U.S. President Biden and Erdogan met at the summit. Thanks to Turkey for stopping rejection of Finland and Sweden to join NATO to clear the obstacles for NATO's expansion of the lineup.

Turkey, Finland, and Sweden signed a memorandum during the NATO Summit on Tuesday to confirm that Turkey agrees to Fen Rui to join NATO.However, Erdogan said at a temporary press conference after the summit that signing a memorandum does not mean that Turkey will automatically approve the qualifications of the two countries.

Erdogan warned: "If the two countries perform their agreements, we will submit their application to the Turkish Parliament for approval, no one will talk about it."

A western diplomat refers to Erdogan's "extortion".

Turkey stated on Wednesday that they would seek extrauditors of 12 and 21 suspects from Finland and Sweden, respectively.These 33 people were accused of radicals of the Kurdish Workers' Party, or involved at the end of the 2016 Turkish coup.

Erdogan said on Thursday that Sweden promised Turkey to extract 73 terrorists to Ankara.However, he did not explain when Sweden made this promise and did not provide other details.

Sweden expressed puzzlement about Erdogan's statement, but emphasized strict observance of law, and Swedish law was enforced by courts independent of the government.

Swedish Minister of Justice John Song issued a statement to Agence France -Presse: "Swedish citizens will not be repatriated. Under the request of other countries, non -Swedish citizens can be repatriated, provided that they must comply with Swedish law and relevant European conventions."

The Finnish President Ninito, who was attending the NATO summit in Madrid, told reporters on Wednesday that Erdogan said it seemed to be a case that the court was dealing with."As far as Finland is concerned, all problems should be resolved in the court. If there is no ruling, some decision depends on the court. We have no reason to intervene."

Turkey has accused Sweden and Finland's Hidden Kurdish Workers' Party over the years, asking the two countries to stop supporting these terrorists.In the past decades, the Kurdish Workers' Party launched a bloody rebellion in Turkey, and Ankara listed it as a terrorist organization.

Finnish and Sweden originally pursued the military -free alliance policy, but in May this year, they officially applied to join NATO.According to the rules, about 30 member states in NATO must "agree" in order to absorb new members.

Turkey previously stated to Fenrui that unless the two countries meet the security concerns of Turkey, the application for the two countries to join NATO will not make progress.The three parties then conducted several rounds of consultations.