Turkey, Finland, and Swedish leaders signed a memorandum after a four -hour talk, confirming that Turkey agreed to Finland and Sweden to join NATO.This means that NATO's existence in western Russia, especially in the Baltic Sea will further expand.

(Madrid / Helsinki Comprehensive Electric) Turkey finally agreed to support Finland and Sweden to join this strategic alliance with nuclear weapons.

Tuesday (June 28) Before the opening of the NATO Madrid Summit, Turkey, Finland and Sweden leaders launched a four -hour talk. Foreign Ministers of the Three Kingdoms finally signed a memorandum to confirm that Turkey agreed to Finland and Sweden to join NATO.This means that NATO's existence in western Russia, especially in the Baltic Sea will further expand.

The United States clarifies the no concession to Turkey

NATO Secretary -General Stoltenberg said at a press conference in Madrid: "I am glad to announce that we have reached an agreement to pave the way to Finland and Sweden." He pointed out, "RussiaPresident Putin hopes that neighbors Russia will not join NATO, but the result is exactly the opposite ... reality is exactly the opposite of what he wants. "

U.S. President Biden and British Prime Minister Johnson welcomes Turkey to agree to the decision of Fen Rui to join NATO.It is speculated that Turkey has requested the United States to concessions in some topics through the application of Finland and Sweden.However, US officials clarified that the United States did not make any concessions to Turkey.

Finnish and Sweden originally pursued the military -free alliance policy, but affected by Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the two countries officially applied to join NATO in May this year.In this regard, Turkey stated that the two countries supported terrorist organizations such as the Kurdish Workers' Party banned by Akala.Turkey is required to sign a written agreement in Finland and Sweden to clarify which specific measures they will take to stop supporting terrorist organizations, otherwise the application for the two countries to join NATO will not make progress.According to the regulations, NATO must be unanimously agreed in NATO to accept new members.

Russian President Putin said on May 16 that Finland and Sweden's joining NATO did not pose a direct threat to Russia, but NATO's expansion of military infrastructure in the territory of the two countries will inevitably cause Russia's response.

Johnson called for NATO ally to increase national defense budget

Before the NATO Madrid Summit was held, the British called on NATO allies to increase defense expenses to respond to a new situation in Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

The British Prime Minister issued a statement on Tuesday that Prime Minister Johnson called on Wednesday to call on the Madrid Summit to increase defense expenses.He believes that 2%are not the upper limit, but the bottom line of national defense expenditure, and all allies must continue to increase defense at the time of crisis.

After Russia's annexation of Crimea in 2014, NATO countries promised that national defense expenditure would account for at least two % of the GDP to ensure that NATO's ability to prepare for war.However, only eight of the 30 member states in NATO have achieved or exceeded the target.After Russia invaded Ukraine in February this year, Germany and Italy and other countries have increased defense expenditures.

The British Defense Minister Wallace also called on the British government to increase defense expenses to respond to potential threats in Russia and China.He said in a think tank on Tuesday that Russia's invasion of Ukraine showed that the world may face greater security threats in the future, coupled with China's challenging democracy and rules -based international order, and African terrorism and Iranian nuclear issues, etc.Therefore, it is necessary to continue to increase investment in national defense.