(Morning News) The Russian Ministry of Defense claimed that Russia held more than 6,000 Ukrainian prisoners of war in Russia.

Agence France -Presse reported that a spokesman for the Russian Ministry of Defense said in a statement: "The total number of Ubim Bing who has been captured or surrendered exceeds 6,000."

Russia and Ukraine are inA prisoner of war was exchanged on Wednesday, and the two sides received 144 detained soldiers.

Ukraine said that 95 soldiers returned to Ukraine were people who fought in the Steferal Steel Factory in Marwolia.The Ministry of Defense of the Ukraine also said that most of the soldiers were seriously injured.

Russia also said that the release of Russian soldiers "almost all of them are injured or seriously injured. They are accepting the necessary medical care."

On the other hand, Russia began to transport grains from the port of Ukraine on Thursday. A vessel carrying 7,000 metric tons of grains set off from the Russian army controlled by the Russian army to a "friendly country".

The leader of Barrot Balizki, the pro -Russian, said on Telegram: "After several months of delay, the first merchant ship has left the commercial port of Buerjiangsk, 7000 7000Metric -ton grain is driving to a friendly country. "

He said that Russia's ships in the Black Sea are ensuring the safety of merchant ships, and added that the port of Ukraine has been removed, but it has not disclosed the ultimate destination of the ship.