(Morning News) Steven Cleff, director of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration on Wednesday (June 29), said that the official is investigating nearly 400 autonomous cars in the past year to understandThe risks brought by autonomous vehicle technology are formulated on this basis to protect drivers, passengers and pedestrians.

Xinhua News Agency reported that in an interview with the media on the same day, Cleve said that the United States does not directly cover the federal regulations of autonomous driving vehicles or some automotive driving assistance system vehicles.The Highway Traffic Safety Administration hopes to better understand the operation of new technologies.

He said that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is evaluating the car collision data reported by automobile manufacturers and technology companies.The official data from July 2021 to May 2022 was announced, involving nearly 400 car accidents in autonomous cars.

Cleve also said that the agency is formulating the performance standards for automatic emergency braking system to apply this standard to all new passenger vehicles and heavy trucks.Related braking systems can identify pedestrians, other vehicles and obstacles, and stop cars, which helps reduce the number of traffic deaths in the United States.

According to the estimation of the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, nearly 43,000 people were killed on the road last year, the highest number in the past 16 years.
