(Geneva Composite Electric) The World Health Organization said that the continuous spread of monkey acne globally, which may cause the virus to begin to spread to high -risk population, such as pregnant women, low immune function and children.

High -risk groups include children pregnant women

WHO called for strengthening testing and widely collected and shared information to understand the effectiveness of the vaccine.The WHD General Tan Desai reported online on Wednesday and pointed out: "I pay attention to the continuous spread of monkey acne, because this means that the virus is gradually standing in a foothold, and it may enter high -risk groups, including children, immunity suppressors and pregnant women ...We have begun to see this situation, and several children have been infected. "

WHO is investigating reports about children's infection of monkey acne, including two cases of Britain.However, the symptoms of these children's cases are not serious.

Since the outbreak of this wave of epidemic, there have been more than 3,400 cases and death cases in more than 50 non -acne popular countries, most of which are in European countries.

Tan Desai pointed out that countries should increase the surveillance of the epidemic by strengthening testing as soon as possible, and spread the correct information about self -protection to the public through large rallys and other occasions.

WHO said that against monkey acne virus, it is necessary to actively work hard, and to understand the vaccine effectiveness through extensive collection and sharing information.

Swamineson, chief scientist of WHO, called on "to study the effectiveness of vaccine in detail for different groups to obtain widely applicable information and ensure that children and pregnant women's immunity are also included in the test."WHO is also formulating a mechanism for more fair allocation of vaccines. Some countries such as the United Kingdom and the United States have stated their willingness to share their ceiling vaccine inventory.