Japanese Prime Minister Kishita, Kishita, attended the NATO Summit as a "partner" in the Spanish capital Madrid, and also held talks as NATO's partner country in South Korea, Australia and New Zealand in the Asia -Pacific region, and discussed the topics of China.

Asahi Shimbun reported that September this year was the 50th anniversary of the normalization of the Japanese and China diplomatic relations. Kishida went to NATO this time. It is estimated that before September, Sino -Japanese relations will fall into nervousness.

There is a partnership plan between Japan and NATO. The Self -Defense Force and NATO have practical cooperation such as joint training and online defense exercises in the Bay of the Gulf of Somalia.Japan also hopes to restrain China through this Western military organization.

In 2014, the then Prime Minister Abe, then the then Prime Minister of Japan, delivered a speech at the NATO headquarters to criticize China's diplomatic position and military trend.Since the invasion of Ukraine in Russia, Japan has become more obvious to restrain China.This time, Kishida also said before the meeting: "Ukraine may be Tomorrow's East Asia, and no force can be allowed to unilaterally change the status quo."

It is reported that the Kishida government hopes that the military organization of NATO can also pay attention to the situation in Northeast Asia, such as Taiwan.A diplomat said: "Although we don't expect (NATO) to support in the emergency situation of the Taiwan Strait, it is of great significance to maintain connection with the military organization of NATO."

On the occasion of Kishida to the NATO summit, Japanese defense officials also sent a news that the crisis in southern Japan has expanded, and the U.S. military will first deploy unmanned reconnaissance aircraft at the base of the Japanese Self -Defense Force to expand Japan and the United States.

The first interview with Kishida and Yin Xiyue

Japan plans to deploy eight "MQ-9 Reaper" unmanned reconnaissance aircraft at the Kagoshima Kasuga City Self-Defense Force Base in July this year, and let the US military settle in 150 to 200.

According to the Japanese NHK report, South Korean President Yin Xiyue had a three or four -minute conversation with Kishida at a dinner held by King Spain on Tuesday.This is the first face -to -face conversation between Yin Xiyue after he served as president in May.

Kishida told Yin Xiyue that he knew that Yin Xiyue was working hard for Japan and South Korea's relations, saying that he would work hard for the healthy development of the relationship between the two countries.

Yin Xiyue wishes Kishida a good results in the July Senate election.He said: "Our idea is to solve the problem of unreasonable suspicions between Korea and Japan after the election of the Japanese Senate, and move forward to the future."

Japanese media quoted senior officials in Korea that although the Korean and Japanese Summit could not be held this time, in order to deal with the North Korean nuclear threat, check and balance China, and find a breakthrough for improving Korean -Japanese relations, the leaders of the United States, Japan and South Korea will be at the NATO Summit at the NATO Summit.The gap has been held for the first time since 2017.