What made fuel vehicle fans shout is that Europe, which has accumulated a century -old advantage in the automotive industry, was radically proposed that the fuel vehicle was suspended in 2035.

A few days ago, the European Parliament proposed a proposal to stop selling new fuel vehicles in the European Union in 2035.This proposal was finally approved by 339 votes, 249 votes, and the results of 24 votes abandoned were passed.

What is even more unpredictable is that traditional fuel vehicle companies and Volkswagen and Mercedes -Benz publicly expressed support for this proposal.Volkswagen said that this proposal is ambitious but can be realized.Ecart Middot; Feng Middot; Kleden said that Mercedes -Benz has been preparing to sell 100%of electric models by 2030 by 2030.

Does the fuel vehicle giant Mercedes and the public recognize the ban on the ban. Does this mean that the ban is really coming?

Soon, things reversed.On June 21, the German Minister of Finance Christian Middot; Christian Lindner said at an event hosted by the German Industry Federation (BDI) that Germany would not agree to suspend offer fuel cars around 2035.On June 22, a German government spokesman once again made it clear that the German government still needs to discuss the plans to ban the sales of new internal combustion engines from 2035.

Because all member states are required through the policy of banning fuel vehicles, Germany now shouts, so that the European Union's ban on sale of fuel vehicles in 2035 is uncertain.

In recent years, new energy vehicles have indeed been recognized by more and more consumers, but must it be a replacement relationship between new energy vehicles and fuel vehicles?

Why transform?

In fact, before the European Parliament proposed that in 2035, the European Union stopped selling new fuel vehicle proposals in 2035, countries around the world's plans for suspension of fuel vehicles in the world were endless.

According to public information, Norway plans to implement the traditional fuel vehicle policy forbidden to sell traditional fuel vehicle in 2025; the Netherlands initially set this time in 2025, but later changed to 2030;By 2030; France and Britain will be postponed for ten years and will ban traditional fuel vehicles in 2040. Among them, Britain, including hybrid electric vehicles, will also be prohibited.

Although my country did not clearly clarify the prohibited plans for fuel vehicles, as early as the 2017 Tedida Forum, Xin Guobin, Deputy Minister of Industry and Information Technology, revealed that my country was studying the production and production of fuel vehicles. The National People's Congress's delisting of fuel vehicles was once again mentioned in the agenda discussion.At present, Hainan Province in my country has given priority to the rate, and local fuel cars will be officially suspended in 2030.

The reason why fuel vehicles are now the target of public criticism. First, the environmental pollution is serious, reducing carbon emissions has become a global goal; the second is that many countries want to change the situation where oil resources rely on seriously.

Data show that due to the melting of polar glaciers in global warming, the sea level is changing at a rate of 6 cm every 10 years; according to relevant data in 2017, the carbon dioxide emitted in the atmosphere of the car is as many as 4 billion tons of carbon dioxide each year.In the next 30 years, it will increase to 6 billion tons, and the situation will be severe.

According to the Paris Agreement, the goal of the members of the Agreement is to control the global average temperature increase of this century to less than 2 degrees Celsius, and to control the global temperature rising to the previous industrialization level of 1.5 degrees Celsius.Britain, Germany, France, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, and Belgium, as the main member of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, are the first to show reducing carbon emissions.Picture source: CCTV Finance

In order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the European Union proposed to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 55%on the basis of 1990 before 2030. By 2035, the new car carbon dioxide emissions will be reduced by 100%.A research report released by the United Nations shows that nearly a quarter of the world's greenhouse gas emissions come from transportation.About 12%of the EU carbon dioxide emissions come from cars.

In addition, there are currently 163.6 billion tons of oil reserves in the world. These reserves are mainly concentrated in the Middle East, the Far East of Russia, and the ocean.Although there are petroleum in Europe and the United States, they still rely on imports.There are a lot of oil reserves, but the consumption is huge.According to the previous data, China Petroleum's foreign dependence is about 70%, which is also a major oil importer.For countries with similar situations, they all hope to reduce oil dependence and master the lifeblood of industrial development in their own hands.

Open the curtain of the transformation

The reason why Volkswagen, Mercedes -Benz and other companies performed light and light for the ban on ban on banning, because they all developed a transformation plan earlier at earlier time.

The Volkswagen Group is one of the car companies that have an earliest layout of electrification and determination.In 2021, Volkswagen and Audi announced that they would stop the research and development of internal combustion engines. According to the plan, the Audi brand will launch its last new fuel model in 2025. By 2030, Audi will suspend selling fuel models.Sell fuel vehicles.On March 5, 2021, Volkswagen said that by 2030, the Volkswagen brand sold 70%of the new cars sold in Europe, while the Chinese and American markets accounted for 50%.

At the same time, Mercedes -Benz has also released an electrified transformation plan.According to the plan, Mercedes -Benz will achieve 50%of the total sales of pure electric and plug -in hybrid models in 2025. In 2030, fuel vehicles are suspended, that is, the new car sales in 2030 basically transformed into pure electric models.In addition, since 2025, all the newly released model architectures of Mercedes -Benz will be pure electric platforms, and each model will provide a pure electronic version choice. By then, Mercedes -Benz will also launch three new pure tram architecture platforms, covering all all over the cover, respectivelyMid -large -scale passenger cars, performance electric vehicles, pure electric MPV and light business vehicles.

At the same time, the BMW Group will suspend offer fuel vehicles in the European Union in 2030. It is expected to launch 12 pure electric models in the Chinese market by 2023, covering almost all market segments.

In other words, in the planning table of Volkswagen, Audi, Mercedes -Benz, and BMW, the time node of the suspension of fuel vehicles is basically earlier than the European Union.Perhaps the large test of these car companies may be whether plug -in hybrid models are within the scope of suspension.

In fact, the transformation of traditional fuel vehicles has been selected by enterprises.Nowadays, even Japanese car brands that have previously held a wait -and -see attitude towards electrification have announced their transformation.Last April, Honda Motor said that in 2030, pure electric and fuel cell models will account for 40%of the total car sales, 80%in 2035, increased to 100%in 2040, and stopped production of fuel vehicles.In January this year, Honda Motor China Minister of China Satonumi said that he would strive to sell 800,000 pure electric vehicles by 2030, and pointed out that if you cannot win competition in China to promote electrification, it will be eliminated by the world.We want to change all fields, and we will decide and defeat in the next five years.

Super luxury car brands are also unable to do it alone. Ferrari had previously planned to launch the first pure electric model in 2025. Lamborghini also set its first electric car's time in 2028.

Regardless of whether the provision of fuel vehicles is aggressive, the reality is that the electrification trend has been fully laid.

Market expansion

From the data point of view, the penetration rate of new energy vehicles is indeed rising.

According to the 2021 global new energy brand sales data released by Cleantechnica's website, the cumulative sales of global new energy models in 2021 were nearly 6.5 million, an increase of 108%over the same period last year.In 2021, China ranked first with 2.9398 million new energy passenger cars, accounting for 45%of the global new energy passenger car market.

The cumulative sales of new energy vehicles have risen sharply from 20,000 vehicles at the end of 2012 to 11.08 million vehicles at the end of May this year.In 2015From the beginning, production and sales ranked first in the world for 7 consecutive years.At the press conference of the Chinese series of themes held on June 14, Xin Guobin said that in the past ten years, my country's new energy vehicle industry has developed from small to large and from weak to strong. Essence

According to the latest data in the domestic passenger car industry, by the end of May 2022, the penetration rate of domestic new energy vehicles will reach 26%.In January 2021 a year ago, this data was only 6%.

Some car companies have even announced farewell to fuel vehicles.For example, BYD announced in April this year that the vehicle production of fuel vehicles has been stopped since March 2022.In the future, BYD will focus on pure electric and plug -in hybrid vehicle business in the automotive business, becoming the world's first traditional car company to suspend fuel vehicles.

From the perspective of new energy vehicle planning issued by major countries and governments around the world, in 2030, in 2035, there will be no fuel vehicle sales in the market, and the new trend has occurred.Earlier, Ni Jun, the chief manufacturer of Ningde Times, said at the annual meeting of the Davos World Economic Forum in Switzerland.

These data point to a fact: more and more consumers have begun to accept the new things of new energy vehicles.However, is it a substitution between electric vehicles and fuel vehicles?I am afraid that the right to choose should be given to consumers.

Opposition sound

Putting the pressure on the traditional car company's pressure on the suspension of fuel vehicles is not discussed, the energy supply and the unemployment problem brought by it cannot be ignored.In Lindner's view, the internal combustion engine will still have a market after 2035, so it is a wrong decision to ban fuel vehicles in 2035.

The European Parliament also proposed that in 2025, Europe must build more than 1 million charging stations, and by 2030, the number will increase to 3.5 million. At the same time, it must be ensured that there must be a charging station every 60 kilometers on the high speed road, every 150 every 150There must be a hydrogenation station in the kilometer.

However, in the view of Mueller, the chairman of the German Automobile Association, the current charging infrastructure in Europe is far from being able to support the full -time switching to electric vehicles in society. Raising selling fuel vehicles will only increase the cost of buying cars for consumers.Data show that the total number of charging piles in Germany is about 60,000.

More than that, the automotive industry plays an important role in the European economy, accounting for about 7%of the EU GDP, and provides 14.6 million jobs for the region. Data from the European Automobile Manufacturers Association show that electric vehicles and plug -in typesHybrid vehicles accounted for 18%of EU newly sold passenger cars in 2021.

Representatives from Italy also tried to propose exemption regulations at the meeting: car brands with annual output less than 1,000 vehicles can be exempted from performing this case, while manufacturers with output between 1,000-10,000 vehicles can be delayed.

In fact, European New Energy Vehicle still has the dependence of external materials.Taking lithium batteries as an example, the European battery industry is fully behind in terms of talent, technology accumulation, raw material supply, and even the structure of the industrial chain.According to the German South German will, traditional German auto manufacturers are quickly launching a number of electric models and require a large number of battery components, mainly lithium -ion batteries containing nickel, manganese and cobalt.Essence

It is worth noting that the fuel vehicle mentioned in the European Parliament's proposal even includes even hybrid models, which means that there will be more car companies affected.When Europe began to blew fuel sales in the past two years, many car companies have avoided the classification of fuel vehicles through 48V light hybrid and PHEV plug -in hybrid routes.However, the proposal mentioned that the carbon dioxide emissions of passenger cars in 2035 must be reduced by 100%, which has completely avoided the car company's previous method of rubbing the ball.

Author: Liu Shanshan