The Seven -way Group Leader Summit ended on Tuesday, held in Germany.The leaders of the Seven Kingdoms reiterated their firm support for the Ukrainian government and the people, and promised to continue to allow Putin regime to pay a heavy and direct economic price for the war of aggression.

(El Palace Comprehensive Television) The leaders of the Seventh Kingdom Group agreed on Tuesday to discuss more measures to prevent Russia from profitable in the war that invades Ukraine, including restricting Russia's export oil prices, but did not finalize specific details.

The Seventh -way Group (G7) leader summit ended on Tuesday, held in Germany.The leaders of the Seven Kingdoms issued a joint communiqué to reiterate the firm support for the Ukrainian government and the people, and promised to continue to pay the Putin regime a heavy and direct economic price for the war of aggression.

In terms of petroleum, the Seven Kingdoms Group will consider a series of solutions, including embargoing for the implementation of Russian sea transportation crude oil and petroleum products that are higher than a certain price export.After consulting international partners, the Seventh Kingdom Group will formulate the upper limit of the price of oil oil in Russia and link this limit to related financial and insurance services. If transporters or importers want to obtain these services, they must comply with the upper limit of the price.

Affected by international sanctions, Russia's oil export volume fell in June, but as the war pushed high energy prices, Russian oil export revenue continued to increase.

Although the details need to be finalized, the US Treasury Secretary Yellen described this as a "major step", and the United States promoted the plan for the cooperation of the Allies.The bulletin also said, "We invite all like -minded countries to consider joining our actions."

The Rotating Chairman of the Seventh Kingdoms, German Prime Minister, Tsurtz, stated at a press conference after the summit that the West will continue to impose sanctions against Russia until Russia President Putin recognizes defeat."There is only one way out of Putin: accepting his plan to Ukraine will not succeed."

Encourage oil production countries to increase production and reduce energy prices

In response to the rise in energy prices and the turbulence of the energy market, the Seventh Kingdom Group will discuss with the International Energy Agency to discuss more measures to reduce price gains and prevent economic and society from further impact, including encouraging oil production countries to increase production.

The leaders of the Seventh Kingdom Group also condemned Russia to exacerbate the global unsafe situation and announced that they would provide assistance to the most likely to face the most likely to face hunger and malnutrition.Increased to $ 14 billion.However, the Seventh Kingdom Group did not introduce specific measures on Ukraine's grain exports, but only called on Russia to end the blockade of Ukraine's Black Sea port again.

Oxfam's unequal policy leader Loursen criticized: "Faced with the most serious hunger crisis in a generation, the Seven Kingdoms Group did not take the need to act at all. This will cause millions of people to face terrible hunger.. "The funds required by the United Nations World Grain Program this year are as high as 22.2 billion US dollars.

Establish an international "climate club" to respond to climate warming

In response to the climate crisis, the leaders of the Seven Kingdoms Group plans to set up an international "Climate Club" by the end of the year to coordinate and accelerate the actions of climate warming.This club will be committed to achieving Paris Agreement goals, that is, controlling global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius, and opening carbon neutrality by 2025.