The European Disease Prevention and Control Center (ECDC) Health officials said on April 26 that since the British report found that the case of hepatitis in children for unknown children earlier this month, nearly 200 cases have been reported around the world, of which 140 were in Europe.

There are nearly 200 cases of hepatitis in children in the world.

According to the Associated Press, ECDC Director Andrea Ammon said: So far, there is no connection between these cases and no international travel.

This unknown disease mainly appears on children who used to be healthy. At least 12 countries in Europe, Asia, and North America have reported cases.

At least 12 countries have reported unknown cases of hepatitis.

How many countries have reports?

On April 5th, the earliest report in the UK stated that the cases of children under the age of 10 suffered from severe acute unknown cases of hepatitis, with a total of 74 cases.

Most cases occur in the UK (114 cases).Since then, including Spain (13 cases), Israel (12 cases), the United States (12 cases), Denmark (6 cases), Ireland (less than 5 cases), the Netherlands (4 cases), Italy (4 cases), Norway (2 cases (2 cases)), France (2 cases), Romania (1 case), Belgium (1 case) and other 11 other countries have reported to WHO that the unknown cases were found to the WHO.

On April 26, the Japanese government reported the first Asian case.On the 27th, Canada claimed that the number of investigations was unknown to determine whether they belonged to the case of hepatitis.In a statement on April 15th, the WHO said: In view of the increase in cases reported in the past month and the strengthening of case search activities, more cases may be reported in the future.

In addition, considering that if some children do not have severe symptoms, they may not be sent to the hospital for testing, and the number of real cases may be higher.

Who is infected?

The affected children ranging from 1 month to 16 years old, most of them are under 10 years of age.WHO said that a child has died and about 10% of severe cases need to be transplanted.Many children have gastrointestinal symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting before being diagnosed.Many people also have jaundice, and their skin and eyes are yellow, which may be caused by liver injury.

The occurrence of cases of cases is very large.According to Israel, the first case of the country was discovered in February 2021, and 12 cases were discovered within 14 months, indicating that this may not be an epidemic.

The earliest cases in the United States appeared in October 2021, and most cases in the UK appeared in January to April this year.

Why is it unusual?

First, children are usually healthy before they are sick and diagnosed.

The World Health Organization described the hepatitis they suffered as serious and acute.This means that some children's liver has been fully exhausted, which is extremely rare to healthy children.Hepatitis is a liver infection characterized by acute liver failure. In some serious cases, patients may need to be transplanted within a few days. If not treated in time, death may occur.

The most common cause of hepatitis is the virus. Among them, type A, B, C, D -type, and pentalitis are key virus strains involved.These viruses are different in terms of spreading methods, geographical transmission, and symptoms (not everyone will have symptoms) and severity, but they can lead to hepatitis.

The above -mentioned common hepatitis viruses were detected in all affected children's case testing.

Alcohol, certain drugs and immune system diseases can also cause hepatitis.Sometimes hepatitis is also caused by unknown reasons.However, this serious cases that lead to liver failure are particularly rare among children.

What is the cause?

The potential causes of mysterious hepatitis have been conducted, but the cause has not been determined.The theory of adenovirus is by far the most possible explanation, but whether this is the absolute pathogen of the disease, there is still great uncertainty.

At present, the prostate virus mdash; MDASH; this is a common virus, which usually causes symptoms such as colds, sore throat, fever and diarrhea.

However, the WHO stated in its latest report on its case that although adenovirus is currently a hypothesis of potential causes, it does not fully explain the severity of the clinical situation.The adenovirus strain found in many children is called the F41 gonad virus. Although there were cases of hepatitis infected with hepatitis infected with adenovirus infected with adenovirus, it was not found that hepatitis reported hepatitis in healthy children.

Professor Dery Kelly, an expert at the NHS Foundation of Birmingham Children's Hospital, who cooperated with UKHSA to investigate these cases.The long -term blockade of the epidemic blocks MDASH; MDASH; people rarely come into contact with common adenovirus and have no immunity. Recently, with the re -opening of society, adenovirus infection has increased, which has caused serious response in some children.

Is it connected with the new coronary virus or vaccine?

New coronary virus was also detected in 20 cases.

After we excluded all the possibilities, the common point of all cases we found is that all cases are infected about the new crown virus in the first three and a half months.Dr. Yael Mozer-Glassberg, the person in charge of the transplant department, told the Israeli Media Land News, but I don't think all of these cases are the phenomenon that they only appear after infection with the new crown virus.

Dr. Isaac Bogoch, an infectious disease expert at the University of Toronto, believes that the cause may eventually be related to some interaction between adenovirus, new coronal virus and environmental exposure.WHO said that it is currently not supported by the assumptions related to the side effects of the new crown vaccine, because most of the affected children have not vaccinated because they are too small.

What health suggestions do parents have?

There is no need to fall into panic, but it is worthy of being vigilant.

WHO suggested that normal sanitary measures, such as thoroughly washing hands (including supervising children), can help reduce the spread of many common infections including adenovirus.If children have symptoms of gastrointestinal tract infection, including vomiting and diarrhea, they should stay at home until the symptoms stop 48 hours before returning to school or childcare.

Children may also have abdominal pain or tenderness, especially the right upper abdomen, that is, where the liver is located. When the child shows signs of severe abdominal pain, you must seek medical treatment immediately.

In addition, jaundice, or yellowing of the skin and eyes are the iconic signs of hepatitis.

The WHO has urged countries to be vigilant about cases of hepatitis of children in any unknown cause, and said that they need to thoroughly investigate other infectious and non -infectious causes.