(Washington / Chicago / Paris Comprehensive Electric) The American Disease Control and Prevention Center said on Friday that as of June 3, there were more than 700 diagnosis cases in the regions outside Africa, of which 11 states in the United States were found at least 22For cases, gene sequencing analysis shows that it is caused by two different monkey acne virus strains.This shows that the virus may have been spread in the United States for a long time, but the overall public health risk is still low.

The report from the United States National Radio and Television Corporation on the 3rd quoted federal health officials that most cases of cases and European cases are the same virus strains at present, but different virus strains were detected in two samples.After Nigeria returned, the virus gene sequencing of a patient with symptoms of the monkey acne was similar.

American health official believes that the virus may spread in the community

This means that before the epidemic of monkey acne, there may be viruses spreading in the country, but the degree of diffusion is not large or misdiagnosed as other diseases.

US health officials believe that monkey acne virus may spread in the community and urge doctors to test monkey acne virus for suspected cases.They believe that it is still too early to determine whether monkey acne will become local epidemic, and the overall public health risk is still low.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warns that there may still be some unknown monkey acne cases in the United States. Therefore, areas that have not been diagnosed cases may also be spreading communities. The government must analyze more patients to determine monkeys to determine monkeysHow long has acne spread in the country.

Among the 22 patients in the United States, 14 were entry records within 21 days before the symptoms.All diagnosis patients are recovering or healing.

Agence France -Presse reported that according to the officially released incidence and mortality weekly, in the first 17 monkey acne cases, 16 of them involved sexual behavior of men, and 14 cases were believed to be related to the history of the patient.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention emphasizes that monkey acne is mainly transmitted through contact with the patient's acne wound skin, and anyone may be infected with the virus.

The high consequences of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the Deputy Director of the Department of Pathology, McQueiston, said at a press conference: "Some of the cases of acne in the United States are related to known diagnosis cases, but at least one case has nothing to do with travel history.I don’t know how the patient is infected with monkey acne virus. "

The US approves the use of two types of prevention of monkey acne vaccine

The United States currently approves two types of vaccines to prevent monkey acne ACAM2000 and Jynneos, which were originally used to prevent smallpox.Jynneos is a more advanced vaccine with smaller side effects.There are now 1200 doses of vaccine and 100 drugs to be sent to states in the United States to prevent infection and treatment for the close contact with patients with diagnosis.

Officially revealed last month that there were a total of 100 million ACAM2000 and 1000 dose of Jynneos strategic reserves in the United States."We will continue to have enough monkey acne vaccines," said Ouyannell, deputy secretary of the US Department of Health and Public Services. "

In addition, the French Ministry of Health announced on Friday that France currently discovered 51 diagnostic cases.The diagnosis patients are men, and they are 22 to 63 years old. Only one person is hospitalized and has recovered.