(Sydney / Beijing Comprehensive News) Australia refers to an Australian military aircraft over the South China Sea a few days ago.In this regard, Chinese official media refer to Australia to discredit and maliciously create a threat theory of China.

The Australian Ministry of Defense issued a statement yesterday that on May 26, a P-8 maritime reconnaissance aircraft in the Australian Air Force performed in the South China Sea International Airspace, and was intercepted by a Chinese J-16 fighter jetEssenceThe statement said that the Chinese fighter made dangerous movements and threatened the security of P-8 military aircraft and crew.

Australia's Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Marlus said at a press conference yesterday that Australia had negotiated to the Chinese government on this matter.He said that China had responded, but he would not disclose the recovery content.He said, "This is a problem they must solve."

Maleus pointed out that on the day of the incident, the Chinese J-16 fighter aircraft was close to Australian military aircraft and sprayed flames, and then accelerated surpassing Australian military aircraft.After that, Chinese fighters released a bunch of interference foil with small aluminum sheets, and some small aluminum sheets were inhaled into the engine of Australian military aircraft.

"Obviously, this is a very dangerous behavior." But Maleus emphasized: "We will not stop the activities that Australia in Australia under international law."

Australian Prime Minister Albanis told the media in Perth yesterday: "It is unsafe in the perspective of the Australian government and the Ministry of National Defense. We have expressed attention to China through appropriate channels."International law, Australia has the right to exercise navigation and flight in international waters and airspace. "

Regarding the allegations of Australia, the China Official Media Global Network quoted Chinese military expert Zhang Xuefeng yesterday that Australia must maliciously discredit the PLA and create "Chinese threat theory".He also criticized the allegations of Australia this time exactly the same as the tricks made in February this year.

On February 19 this year, the Australian government pointed out that Chinese naval ships exposed the Australian military aircraft with laser in the Arafra Sea. Former Australian President Morrison described China as a "intimidation behavior".The Chinese Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs immediately refuted, saying that Australia's statement was completely inconsistent with the facts.

Sino -Australian relations have continued to deteriorate since 2018.After the Morrison government proposed an independent investigation on the origin of the crown disease epidemic in 2020, Beijing sacrificed for economic countermeasures on Canberra, imposing tariffs on Australian barley, red wine, and lobster products.

China has recently tried to expand its influence in the Pacific, and the results have caused the vigilance of Australian and Western allies.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi just ended a 10 -day visit to the South Pacific the day before yesterday. He signed a bilateral agreement with the Solomon Islands and East Timor and other countries during this trip.

Wang Yi said in response to the prospects of Sino -Australian relations that Sino -Australian relations have been in trouble in recent years. The crux is that some political forces in Australia are insisted on treating China as their opponents rather than partners, and rendering China's development into threats rather than opportunities.He said that improving Sino -Australian relations does not have a "autonomous driving" model, and practical actions need to be taken.