(Berlin Reuters) The German Federal House of German House approved a special defense fund of 100 billion euros (S $ 147.108 billion), which has significantly improved Germany's defense budget in the next few years.

The current annual defense budget of Germany is about 50 billion euros.After the establishment of the National Defense Fund, Germany can achieve the target of defense expenditure set by the North Atlantic Treaty as a member state, that is, military fees account for 2 % of the GDP.

After the German standards meet the standards, it will become the third largest country in the world after the United States and China.

Russia criticized Germany on Friday that it was "re -military", referring to Germany's increase in military expenditure, which led to intensified security risks in the European military situation.

German Prime Minister Tzuz was announced to establish the fund for the military three days after the invasion of Ukraine in Russia on February 27 to reorganize military reserve in the next few years, replace old and old equipment in the military, and help Germany to rebuild the Cold War after the Cold War after the Cold War after the Cold War.The army that has been ignored over the years.

Germany must revise the constitution and raise the debt limit to obtain the fund.The German ruling alliance has won the support of the conservative party in the wild party, and at least two -thirds of support votes needed for constitutional amendments.As a result, the Federal House can be approved by a majority of votes to join the new Article 87A in the Constitution, so that the 100 billion euro funds are not limited by the debt amount adopted by Germany for the implementation of fiscal tightening.

The German Federal House passed a budget at the same time, making this year's new debt is expected to reach 139 billion euros, the second highest in Germany.This budget is to help Germany meet the impact of Ukraine conflict.