The current Russian and Ukraine War focuses on the Norton Ahwitz and Lixica Sikh in Lugusk.Governor of Udon Lu Ganka told the National Television of Ukraine on Friday that the Ukraine has regained the land of about 20 % of the land of Nighton.

(Kiev / Paris Composite Electric) The battle conditions in the Basal area of the eastern part of Ukraine are fierce. The Ukrainian troops seem to get rid of the beating situation and began to win on the battlefield.At the same time, the European Union imposed new sanctions on Russia and further cracking down on Russia.However, French President Macron still hopes that through diplomatic efforts, it will be paved with Russia in the future to remind countries not to "humiliate" the military power.

The current Russia and Ukraine War focuses on the Norton Agezk and Lysychansk in Luligus.Governor of Udon Lu Ganka told the National Television of Ukraine on Friday that the Ukraine has regained the land of about 20 % of the land of Nighton.

Gai Dai said that even if the Russian army continued to reinforce, don't delusional to be able to win the city within two weeks.He also said: "Once we have enough Western long -range weapons, they will push their artillery away from our position. At that time, the Russian army can only escape."

The Ukrainian military said on Saturday that Russia continued to launch a shelling to the city of Nighton, but the Russian army could only retreat after being cut off and entering the passage of the city of Nortston.

A spokesman for the Russian government said that the Russian army "achieved certain results" in this war, and Moscow's military operations will continue until all goals are achieved.

The Russian Ministry of Defense said on Saturday that the Russian army shot down a Ukraine transport aircraft carrying weapons and ammunition near the Port of Black Sea.The Russian missile also destroyed a "foreign mercenaries" outpost in the Odessa area.

Russian missiles are said to have also attacked an artillery training center in the Ukraine Samua region.

The British Department of Defense said on Saturday that Russia still launched an air strike in the Donbas region. The bombardment of the Russian army caused Donbas to be widely destroyed, causing a large number of damage and civilian casualties.

Analysis believes that the Russian army has made slow but stable progress in Wudong, compressing the Ukraine to the two states of Lugusk and Donetsk, but failed to surround them.The Kiev aspect must try to consume Moscow's troops to allow the Ukraine to regain the territory in the next few months.

The EU announced the sixth round of sanctions including Russian tanker bank media

In addition, the European Commission announced the sixth round of sanctions on Russia on Friday. In addition to some oil embargo, it also included sanctions on Russian tankers, banking and media.These sanctions took effect immediately.

The European Union will stop purchasing Russian shipping crude oil within six months, accounting for two -thirds of the EU's imported Russian crude oil, and stops buying Russian oil products within eight months.At the end of the year, the EU's oil imported from Russia will be reduced by 90 %.

The EU proposed the sixth round of sanctions as early as May in early May, but Hungary, which relies heavily on Russian oil on the grounds that the economy will be severely damaged.At the EU Special Summit held this week, the leaders of EU member states agreed to give Hungary, Slovakia, and Czech Republican oil embargo exemptions, and the new sanctions plan finally passed.

Macron: "Respect" Russia leaves room for the future mediation of the West

French President Macron said in an interview with the French media on Friday that Russian President Putin ordered the invasion of Ukraine to make a big mistake, causing Moscow to suffer internationally.

But Macron emphasized that although Putin made a wrong decision, it should still "respect" Russia and said that it was to leave room for the mediation of Western countries in the future.He said: "Russia must not be humiliated. Once the hostile operation is over, we can get rid of the way to get rid of the crisis through diplomacy."

Macron believes that France should be a mediation person in Russia and Ukraine.In the past six months, he had at least 100 hours of telephone talks with Putin.Macron revealed that he was a talk with Putin at the request of Zediski.

Macron said in the interview that it might visit Kiev.Ukraine Foreign Minister Culba mentioned that Macron could visit Kiev on June 30, that is, France, as the EU rotating chairman, ended in the term of office of the European Union.