(Seoul Composite Television) The United States warns that if North Korea conducts nuclear tests, the United States, South Korea, and even the world will make strong and clear responses.Following the demonstration of missiles in the United States and South Korea the day before yesterday, 20 fighters were dispatched yesterday (June 7) to conduct joint tactical flights over South Korea to respond to North Korea's recent test -to -ball missiles.

The US Deputy Secretary of State Sherman visited Seoul, after meeting with South Korean Deputy Foreign Minister Zhao Xiandong on Tuesday, said at a press conference: Any nuclear test completely violated the UN Security Council resolution.I believe that not only South Korea, the United States, and Japan, the world will respond strongly and clearly.

In recent weeks, the US and South Korean governments and North Korean issues have said that there are signs of new construction projects in the Toyo Nuclear Testing site in northeast of North Korea. North Korea may be about to conduct nuclear tests.

The United Nations International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) also reported that there were signs that North Korea may be preparing for nuclear tests and may soon conduct nuclear tests.

Grace, director of the International Atomic Energy Agency, said at the council meeting on Monday that the expansion project is being advanced at the main nuclear facilities base in Ningbian, northwestern North Korea.The new buildings built in April last year have been completed, and two buildings adjacent to the construction have also begun.

North Korea has conducted six such experiments. Four of them were the highest leader of North Korea, Kim Jong -un, in 2017, and the last time was the most powerful.

If North Korea really conducts nuclear tests, how will the US and South Korea be specific, and Sherman does not further explain, only saying that the United States can take punishment measures with the allies.

However, as in 2017, the United Nations Security Council will impose any new sanctions on North Korea, and it is almost impossible to get support from China or Russia with veto power.

Just last month, the United States drafted a series of ballistic missiles conducted by North Korea this year and drafted a resolution that strengthened sanctions on sanctions and was rejected by China and Russia.

North Korea launched eight short -range ballistic missiles on the 5th of this month.The next day, the US -South Korea troops also launched eight ground -to -ground missiles near the east coast of South Korea as a response.Yesterday, the two armies dispatched 20 fighters to fly over the Yellow Sea outside the western shore of South Korea to fly a tactical formation.

The South Korean Army's joint staff headquarters issued a statement saying that in response to the threat of the enemy, the US and South Korean allies showed their strong ability and will to quickly and accurately counterattack North Korea's provocation.

Sherman's visit to Seoul was a senior dialogue held only two weeks later in the United States and South Korea on May 21.It is reported that the two sides have discussed the execution plan of the global comprehensive strategic alliance's vision proposed by the two countries.

She said that the United States, South Korea, and Japan will continue to negotiate with three parties and global issues and global issues.