(Washington Composite Electric) Cases of child acute hepatitis with unknown children in many countries have recently occurred. At least six states in the United States have reported diagnosis or suspected cases, one of which is suspected of being ill.

Following Alabama, North Carolina, and Illinois, Tellawa reported on Tuesday and reported unknown children's acute hepatitis; the official sanitation of the two states of New York and Wisconsin was investigating several suspected cases.

The United States Chief Infectious Disease Expert, Foch, pointed out that officials are still collecting reports on this disease and now talk about the cause of the disease.

He said: "This is still a mystery. This disease seems to be related to adenovirus, but it is not sure."

Alabama previously reported nine confirmed cases. Patients were from one to six years old and were healthy before they were sick.Laboratory testing shows that several patients infected with type 41 adenovirus. This virus usually causes acute gastroenteritis in children, commonly known as Stomach Flu.

North Carolina reported two confirmed cases last month. Patients have recovered, and they have not infected with adenovirus.Illinois reports three confirmed cases on Monday, one of which needs to change the liver.

Tellawa's diagnosis patients are less than five years old and are currently hospitalized.

Wisconsin said on Wednesday that there are four suspected cases investigating. One of the patients will die. If it is determined to be a case of hepatitis of unknown children, this will be the first example of the United States.Other states are paying close attention to whether there are suspected cases in the state.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has instructed that health officials in various places have notified the case of unknown hepatitis involved in children under 16 years of age since January last year.

12 countries report 169 cases 17 people must change the liver at least one death

As of the 21st of this month, a total of 12 countries notified the World Health Organization for 169 cases of unknown child acute hepatitis, of which most of them came from Britain.Patients are as large as 16 years old, and 17 people have to transplant liver and die at least one person.

Laboratory analysis results have excluded the possibility of these cases caused by common A, B, C, Ding, and penta hepatitis virus.Due to the found adenovirus and coronary virus in some samples, researchers are investigating whether the two viruses are related to cases of hepatitis.

Member of the American Infectious Diseases Society, Tina, pointed out that unknown cases of hepatitis in children may appear, so it may be caused by the virus, but experts still do not know what virus is.

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She said that about 75 % of global cases are related to adenovirus, but "unusual is that adenovirus usually does not cause severe hepatitis with children without long -term health."

She pointed out that although several patients were infected with coronary disease at the same time, the possibility of hepatitis caused hepatitis.

Aginovirus is a common type of virus that causes a series of mild diseases, including colds, vomiting and diarrhea, and usually does not cause hepatitis.

Aginovirus virus is an important cause of fever disease in children. It most often causes upper respiratory syndrome and can also cause pneumonia.

Agenovirus is usually transmitted between people, and through the surface of contaminated and through the respiratory tract.