(Cleveland Composite Electric) The American campus shooting is frequently out. Ohio plans to issue a law that allows faculty to wear guns on campus after completing 24 hours of training.

The two houses of the Ohio Parliament controlled by Republicans have quickly passed this bill to reduce the training requirements of the gun carrying teachers on Wednesday.Ohio Governor and Republican Mike Dwiene also announced the signing of the bill to make it a law.

According to the existing laws of the Ontario, teachers must have 20 years of experience in their career, or receive 728 hours of professional training to be eligible to wear guns in the school.The new bill has been greatly reduced to 24 hours. Teachers only need to be trained in 18 hours, two -hour pistol training, two hours of extra conventional training, plus two hours of additional pistol training, and they are qualified to carry guns with guns.Admission.

The Parliament of the AR-15 walking rifle at a teenager attacked a school in a school in a school in a school with AR-15 rifle.Dezhou's shootings killed 19 students and two teachers.

Governor Dwiene said in a statement that since the shooting of Uvald, the Governor's Office has been working with members to "cancel courses that have nothing to do with school security for hundreds of hours and ensure that training is suitable for schools."

Thomas Hall, a member of the bill that proposed the bill, issued a statement saying: "When facing emergencies in school, it will fight in seconds, which can prevent tragedy."

Supporters hope that armed faculty can help them respond to attackers before the police arrive, thereby reducing the frequency and fatal degree of campus shooting.However, the police unions, education unions, democrats, and gun -controlling initiatives who oppose the bill believe that this will only make the school more dangerous.They asked the governor to veto the bill.

The Ohio Education Association and the Ohio State Teachers' Federation issued a joint statement stating that the bill was rushed and risky.The statement said that the bill allowed "educators who have not received sufficient training are in a situation that is about to make life and death decisions in an instant. This will undoubtedly lead to more tragedies in our school."


The Act also stipulates that the Public Safety Department of the ASCO will establish a school safety and crisis center, and the school district that agrees to carry the gun must submit a training plan to this center to obtain approval.Each school district must pay for training costs.Faculty members with guns received background investigations and received additional training for eight hours a year in the subsequent year.

In addition, the campus that allows the faculty to carry the gun must also notify the parents in advance.It is unclear how many campuses in Ohio will allow faculty to carry guns.