
(Morning News) The United Nations World Tourism Organization confirmed on Wednesday (April 27) that at the World Tourism Organization Special Conference held in Madrid, Spain on the same day, Russia proposed the intention of withdrawing from the organization.

The two -day World Tourism Organization Special Conference was held in Madrid on Wednesday. One of the main issues at the meeting was to discuss whether to suspend the qualifications of Russian member states.After the meeting, Russia took the initiative to withdraw the intention of exiting the organization.

The World Tourism Organization said that Russia has expressed his hope to withdraw from the organization at the conference, but in accordance with relevant regulations, it will take one year to complete the entire exit from the formal notice from the member country to receive the formal notice from the member states.program.

The World Tourism Organization pointed out that other member states at the special conference will still discuss and vote on whether the identity of the Russian member states will be suspended. If the vote is passed, the decision will take effect immediately.According to the regulations, if you want to suspend the qualifications of a member states, at least two -thirds of the 130 member states are required to be approved.

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement on Wednesday that Russia believes that the work of continuing to work in the world tourism organization has been "unsuitable".Essence

The Russian Presidential Press Secretary Peskov said that withdrawal from the world's tourism organizations will not affect the development of Russian tourism, especially the domestic tourism industry.