(Kiev Law New Dian) Ukraine has accused Russia in an attempt to create riots in the separatist region of Moldova, southwest of Ukraine.People are increasingly worried that the Ukrainian war may be upgraded to a wider conflict.

The United Nations and the United States warned that the tension of the TRANSDNIESTRIA in the Moldova's Denestn River upgraded.When the UN Secretary -General Guterres met with Russian President Putin on Tuesday (26), he called on Russia to restore the situation to peace.

The Russian army has been stationed in Russian -based regions along the Denest River for decades.Moldova was one of the 15 Soviets of the Five of the Soviets and announced its independence on August 27, 1991.Earlier, the left bank of the Deyinster River announced its independence in September 1990, but was not recognized by the international community.

On the 25th and 26th of this month, a Russian commander claimed that a Russian commander was suppressed before the explosion of the Ministry of National Security, Radio Tower and a military unit in Moldova.

This means of concern, Moldova may become the next goal of Russia. When Moscow invaded Ukraine on February 24, it used the same "saying".

Ukrainian presidential assistant Mikhaillo Podoliak wrote on social networking sites: "Russia hopes to destroy the stability along the Deyster River.The door of Chisinau. "He refers to the capital of Moldova.

UN spokesman said Gutres was concerned about security incidents that occurred along the coast of the Mold Vadnest River.

The United States also expresses similar concerns, but does not support Kiev's arguments that Russia should be responsible.The State Council spokesman Prince told reporters: "We fully support the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Moldova."