Doctors in the UK discovered the first case in the world. People who are known to bring the new crown virus for more than one year have reached 505 days.

According to the Guardian, the patient has died.

The patient was infected with the new coronal virus in 2020. It may be that its immune system was weak. In continuous observation of his death before his death, his new crown virus test was positive.

Earlier, the longest case of the new crown virus carried a surviving patient in her 40s, her new crown -positive testing response lasted for 335 days.

New coronary virus is constantly mutagenic in the patient's body, carrying up to 10 mutations in the highest

Researchers at the King's College of London and Gay and the St. Tomas National Medical Service System Foundation conducted a follow -up survey of nine patients with refractory new crown pneumonia to understand how the virus evolved in the process of infection.

Generally speaking, the new crown infection usually lasts about 10 weeks, but two patients have been infected with viruses for more than one year.

In addition to the patient who has been infected with 505 days, there is a patient who has been detected for 412 days to date, and it is likely that the records of more than 505 days at the next test.Last summer, a 72 -year -old patient's new crown -positive time was nearly 10 months.

The latest research pointed out that patients with weak immune systems are particularly prone to long -term infection with new coronary viruses.Four of the nine patients who were studied died, and less than half of them may die directly in the new crown virus.

One of the researchers Dr. Senel pointed out that continuous infection may be the source of new new crown variants, because the virus will continue to evolve in the patient's body, and new mutations may be obtained at any time.

Genetic analysis shows that among the nine patients, five patients in the body have completed at least one mutation. The virus on the patients who infected 505 days have carried 10 kinds of mutations. These mutations include Alpha, gamma, and gamma, and these mutations.Several major variants including Omikon.

Many scientists suspect that some worrying variants, such as Omikon, appear on patients with continuous infection, other new variants may also come from this.

The virus lacks the depths of the throat in the lungs cannot be detected

The most worrying thing for them is that a patient in the study has been in a hidden infection.

Unlike asymptomatic infections, although hidden infections continue to carry new crowns, their new crown test results are negative.

After suffering from a new crown in 2021, the patient faded after treatment, and then repeatedly tested as negative.Senel said that the virus may lurk deep in the patient's lungs, and the swabs in the nose and throat cannot be detected.

Dr. Nebia, another partner of the study, said their research results will be published at the European clinical microbiology and infectious diseases in Lisbon on Friday.

She said: We urgently need new treatment solutions to help patients remove sustainable new crown infections, which can also prevent the emergence of new variants.

Paul Middot, a professor at the University of Dongying Geely University; Hunter said that in view of the study, he believes that some patients may have never completely cleared the new crown virus in their bodies, which is one of the reasons why the virus repeatedly appears.

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Review: Zhang Lei