(Morning Post) Sources said that US Treasury Secretary Zhenyelon and other Financial Ministers and Central Bank President at the G20 meeting held in Washington, USA in Wednesday (April 20) exitAt the time, Russian officials began to speak at the meeting.

Comprehensive foreign news reports, Russia's attack on Ukraine shrouded the Group of Treasury Secretary and Central Bank President Meeting. This was the first meeting since Russia President Putin ordered the invasion of Ukraine at the end of February.

A source said that Ukrainian officials attending the meeting also retired from the meeting.Canadian Treasury Minister Frelan posted a photo retired from the meeting on her Twitter account., EU Economic Commissioner Zhentrini and the Dutch Finance Minister Cage also exited from the meeting.

Two of them told Reuters that US Treasury Secretary Yellen told the participants that she strongly opposed a senior Russian official to attend the meeting.A source added that Yellen told the participants that Russia could not "everything" in the global economy, which echoed the information conveyed by her to Indonesia's Finance Minister Mu Yanni.group.

Another source said that Maximov, deputy minister of Russia's Ministry of Finance attended the meeting, while Russian Minister of Finance, Silu Annov and President of the Russian Central Bank, joined online.In a statement issued by the Russian Ministry of Finance in a statement after the meeting did not mention the exit incident.It quoted Silu Annov as saying that he called on the Group of Twenty Groups not to politicize the dialogue between members and emphasized that the group has always paid attention to economic issues.The statement also said that West Lu Annov also complained about the destructive impact of Western sanctions.

German Treasury Secretary Lindona said that global economic growth, high inflation and supply chain issues must be blamed Russia.He told the media: "Russia must be isolated."

The Tenth Group Treasury Secretary of the Group and the President of the Central Bank held a meeting during the semi -annual meeting held by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank in Washington.EssenceSources said Yellen plans to resist two groups of the 20th Gatsnre Group of the Guto of the International Financial Structure and Sustainable Finance.Financial leaders of some European countries follow the plan to protest Russia's invasion.