(Sydney Composite Electric) Australian Prime Minister Morrison and the leader of the opposition Labor Party, Albanis, launched the first debate before the May election on Wednesday night.

Quick polls show that 40%of the respondents believe that Albanis occupies the upper hand, and 35%believe that Morrison will lead, and the remaining 25%has not decided.

Morrison lost his words again in the debate. In a question from a four -year -old self -closed mother, he showed that he was fortunate that his child had no disability.

Morrison's response at the time was widely criticized in social media. Many Labor members also asked him to apologize to disabled people and their family members about the "lack of sensitive" remarks.

Treasury Secretary Birmingham hurriedly extinguished the fire, saying that Morrison's remarks were misunderstood.

Morrison apologized for the storm yesterday, and revealed that the mother who had contacted the question was contacted to understand how she could help her.

Bloomberg analysis article pointed out that Morrison tried to take national security as the main campaign issue in this election, but there were signs that even if the election was held on the occasion of the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine war, the National Security issue could not help Morrison to win.

The latest polls show that voters now believe that the Labor and Governance Alliances have the ability to deal with the Ukrainian crisis.

A poll in February even believes that the Labor Party can better cope with China.

Other polls show that the Australian people are more concerned about economic and climate change issues.Morrison has attracted dissatisfaction with voters due to the slow growth of domestic wages and the continued rise in living costs.

Michelle Gradan, a professor at the University of Canberra, said: "As far as ordinary voters are concerned, they are more concerned about vital problems, especially the cost of living."