(Sydney Composite Electric) China and Solomon Islands officially confirmed that the two countries have signed a bilateral security cooperation framework agreement, causing concerns about the United States, Australia, New Zealand and other countries.In response, the Solomon Islands Prime Minister Sogovre emphasized that the government signed an agreement with China "open eyes", but he refused to explain when it would announce the content of the agreement.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed on Tuesday that the Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and the Solomon Islands Foreign Minister Manela officially signed a bilateral security cooperation framework agreement in China recently.The next day, Sogovre told Congress that the representatives of the two countries signed a safety agreement on "a few days ago", saying that the agreement would not harm or destroy regional peace and harmony.

He said that cooperation with China does not target any country or alliance, "but for our internal security situation."He said: "I ask our neighbors, friends and partners to respect the sovereignty interests of the Solomon Islands."

White House: Lack of transparency protocol may "destroy regional stability"

The two countries in the United States signed a relevant agreement before visiting the Solomon Islands, which made the United States, Japan, New Zealand, and Australia feel uneasy.The White House in the United States believes that the agreement lacks transparency and may "destroy regional stability."

The United States has only announced that the National Security Council's Indo -Pacific Affairs coordinator Campbell and the assistant Secretary of State Kangda, who are responsible for East Asia and Pacific Affairs, will lead US government officers to visit Fiji, Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands to deepen the United StatesContact with the area.Analysts pointed out that the United States sent this rare senior official delegation to visit the Solomon Islands in order to persuade the government's government to think twice.

According to the draft bilateral security cooperation framework agreement leaked in the Social media in early March this year, the Chinese government can send troops to this Pacific Island country at the request of Solomon.The draft also shows that the Solomon Islands will provide a safe port for Chinese warships, which makes Australia, which is less than 2,000 kilometers away from the Solomon Islands.

The Solomon Islands are regarded as the "backyard" of Australia and New Zealand in geographical location, and the security agreement signed by China has exacerbated the vigilance between Australia and the New countries and the United States and allies with the "infiltration" regions of China.

Australian Deputy Prime Minister Joyce bluntly stated that this agreement will enable China to establish a military base in the Solomon Islands, and Australia "does not want to have a small Cuba near our coast."

New Zealand Prime Minister Adon said in an interview with the New Zealand media: "We are worried about the militaryization of the Pacific. We will continue to call on the Solomon Islands to cooperate with the Pacific region to solve any security concerns they may face."

She also pointed out that the Solomon Islands violated an agreement on the Pacific Island Forum. The agreement requires countries to discuss with the organization before making major defense decisions.