(Kiev Composite Electric) The remaining Ukrainian Army in Mali Ukopl, Southeast Port Ukraine, refused to surrender again on Wednesday (April 20). However, they also said that the city will fall into full after a few days or even a few hours.Ukraine said that peaceful negotiations with Russia have actually frozen, and it is difficult to say when the next direct negotiations can be realized.

The Russian Ministry of Defense issued an ultimatum to the residual Ukraine of the Mali Ubolia Surian Steel Factory on Tuesday, asking them to surrender weapons surrender at 2 pm Moscow time at 2 pm on Wednesday (Singapore time on Wednesday at 7 pm) to 4 pm.However, according to the Ukraine separatist of his pro -Russia, the deadline will be surrendered by only five of the Ukraine.

The 36th brigade commander of the Wuxi Marine Corps of the city released a video on the same day, calling on the international community to assist in evacuating the city's wounded soldiers and their family members.He said: "We may have only a few days or hours. The number of enemies is dozens of times more than us. They have the advantage in all aspects such as air strikes, bombardment, ground attacks, and equipment."/P>

The Russian Ministry of Defense said that when the Russian army surrounded the city of Mary Upol on March 11, there were about 8,100 local Ukraine.In the subsequent conflict, Ukraine lost about 4,000 people, and another 1,464 celebrities surrendered.At present, the Russian army has controlled all urban areas except the Asian Steel Factory. About 2,500 Ufang armed personnel and foreign mercenaries were besieged in the Asia Skillon Factory.

Ukraine announced on Wednesday that a preliminary agreement with Russia established a humanitarian corridor in Mary Ubol.There will be 90 buses to the city that day, and 6,000 women and children and elderly people are expected to be evacuated.Mary Upol Mayor Boyqinko said that there are still about 100,000 people who are trapped in the city.

The British Department of Defense said that as the Russian army tried to break through the Ukraine's defense line, the battle in the Batt area of Unthodon became more and more intense, and the Russian army continued to gather forces on the border near Wudong.

Ukrainian presidential adviser to Arestovich said that the Russian army is attacking the Udul Rugusk area of Rubizhne and Popasna and quietly facing the southeast ZaboZaporizhzhia launched an offensive.At the same time, the Ukrainian army launched a counterattack in the Halkov region in Northeast China and liberated some towns.

U.S. President Biden, British Prime Minister Johnson, and Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau held a video call with other allies on Tuesday, promised to transport more artillery weapons to Ukraine.Sources said Biden expects to provide Ukraine with about $ 800 million (approximately S $ 1.91.73 million) for military assistance in the next few days.

Ukrainian negotiating representative Podoliak said on Tuesday that peaceful negotiations with Russia have actually frozen.He believes that Russia is focusing on special military operations in the second stage of Donbas, and there is no time to take care of the negotiations.Ukraine Foreign Minister Culba said in an interview on Tuesday that the Russian -Ukraine conflict will be resolved on the battlefield, rather than decided on the negotiating table.

On Tuesday, Ukrainian Infrastructure Minister Kubrakov pointed out that more than 30%of Ukrainian infrastructure was damaged in the conflict, including about 300 bridges and highways of more than 8,000 kilometers.Kubrakov said that according to the Ukrainian government evaluation, the damage of these infrastructure brought about 100 billion US dollars in direct economic losses.