Jiang Guiying Shouer correspondent

[email protected]

At the beginning, the South Korean government believes that South Korea is now in the inflection point of the peak of Omircor's peak of coronary disease, and the epidemic is turning to the initial stage of local epidemic diseases.

The Central Epidemic Prevention Countermeasure Headquarters reported yesterday to add 113,323 cases, and once again, the record of new cases has been added in a single day since the outbreak.

Park Xiang, headquarters headquarters headquarters of the Central Incident Headquarters in South Korea, said that although there is still a long way to go, she believes that South Korea has now come to the inflection point of the peak of the Omikon epidemic.If you can continue to maintain a low level of death in the future and stabilize the management of the epidemic, Omi Cick Rong can also manage like other epidemic diseases.

It is understood that the mortality rate of the infection of Omikon in South Korea is 0.18%, which is equivalent to a quarter of the death rate (0.7%) of Delta's cases, but slightly higher than the flu (0.05%to 0.1%) Death rate.

She added: "This time the Omikon epidemic is a crisis in the short term, but in the middle and long term, it is a must for restoration of daily life.The minimum and ensure that the medical system is going through the epidemic period, it will be the opportunity to restore daily life. "

The government expects the Omikon epidemic at the end of February or March

The South Korean government expects the Omikon epidemic at the end of February or March, and the confirmed cases will reach 140,000 to 270,000 in a single day.The government believes that as long as it is over the difficulty, vaccine immunity and natural immunity will increase, and it is expected to relax and control in stages.

Jin Yun, a professor at the Medical Management Institute of Seoul University School of Medicine, said that the crown disease is actually a flu.

Experts believe that the popularity of Omikon is actually the last stage of crown disease.This is because the probability of spreading power is lower than that of Omik Rongqiang.Even if new variations appear, the propagation power will not be strong enough to replace Omikon, so it will disappear.

Jin Yuzhu, a professor at the Department of Infectious Department of Goryeo University, also said that as long as there is no new mutation, this winter is expected to resume daily life.I hope not to have new mutations, but the "invisible version" Omeckon mutation is increasing, and the epidemic prevention department should be vigilant.