(Morning Post) The US Senate launched a proposal supported by the two -party members to strengthen the United States and China to carry out comprehensive strategic competition.

Voice of America reported that the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee and Democratic Senator Bob Menendez launched the "2021 Strategic Competition Act" that strengthened comprehensive strategic competition with China on Thursday (8th), and announcedWith the support of the two -party members, it is planned to submit it to the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee for review in the next few days.

The Senate Foreign Affairs Committee said that this new bill is negotiated with JIM RISCH, the Chief Republican Senator of the Foreign Affairs Commission, and is the first time an important proposal launched by the Democratic Republican Senators for the first time with Beijing.

The key goal of the 2021 Strategic Competition Act is to ensure that the United States will have the power to "compete with all aspects of the country and international forces" in the next decades, strengthen the diplomatic strategy of the US government's threat to deal with the Chinese government, and reiterate the reiteration of the US government's threats of the Chinese government.The United States is determined to support allies and partners from the Indo -Pacific region and all over the world, asking the United States to re -establish the leadership position in international organizations and other multilateral forums.

The 2021 Strategic Competition Act propose to list the security assistance in the Indo -Pacific region as the priority, and strengthen US diplomatic efforts. In the Western Hemisphere, Europe, Asia, Africa, Arctic and Oceania to handle the challenges of China.

Proposal proposal to invest in universal values, authorize extensive human rights and civilian social measures, including supporting democracy in Hong Kong, improving infringement such as Xinjiang forced labor, compulsory sterilization, etc., Tracking subsidies of the Chinese government, supervising China to use Hong Kong to bypass the US export control activities, track Chinese companies in the US capital market, and focus on the predatory international economic acts of China.

The proposal also recommends strengthening coordinated cooperation with the allies in the military control field, and facing China's military modernization and expansion.Report with activities in other strategic fields.

Merinee said: "We are very proud to announce this unprecedented two -party efforts to mobilize all the strategies of the United States, economic and diplomatic tools to formulate a Indo -Pacific strategy, so that our country can truly fight China to ChinaChallenges of national security and economic security. "

He said: "The 2021 Strategic Competition Act is to recognize a strategic response required to be a joint strategic response at this moment, re -establish the US leadership position, invest in our ability to defeat China through competitionBased on it. "

Mer Nermid also announced at the same time that he plans to convene a legislative consultation meeting on April 14 to allow the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee to review the "2021 Strategic Competition Act" and vote.