In addition, Estonian Prime Minister Kazakaras told Reuters that if Russia further invades Ukraine, the European Union will coordinate with the United States to impose more sanctions against Russia.

(Morning Post) EU member states reached an agreement on the new sanctions adopted by Russia, and agreed to list more Russian politicians, legislators and officials on the blacklist, prohibit EU investors trading Russian government bonds, and at the same time put the partic entities in eastern UkraineImport and exports are listed as sanctions.

Reuters reports that the EU ’s senior representative of Foreign and Security Policy, Borel, held a meeting with French Foreign Minister Le Drion after holding a meeting in Paris, the capital of France on Tuesday (February 22).

Borier said: This set of sanctions approved by EU member states will hit Russia heavily.He said that Russian President Putin acknowledged that the two separateist power control areas in eastern Ukraine were unacceptable to an independent country and were sovereignty against Ukraine.

However, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of EU member states decided not to list Putin as the object of sanctions.

In addition, Estonian Prime Minister Kazakaras told Reuters that if Russia further invades Ukraine, the European Union will coordinate with the United States to impose more sanctions against Russia.

In a package of sanctions announced by the European Union on Tuesday, the individual listed as the sanctions included voting to support all Russian parliament members of the Russian Parliament of Wudong's two independent countries.All their assets in the European Union will be frozen and prohibited from entering the EU countries.

It is still unclear when new sanctions will take effect.Foreign officials expect that new sanctions may take effect in a few hours or days, and will announce the names of the sanctioner's name and other details.

On the evening of February 21, Putin officially announced that it acknowledged that Donetsk and Lugusk in eastern Ukraine were two independent countries, and signed a friendly cooperation mutual aid treaty with the separated agent of the two places to send the Russian army to perform peacekeeping tasks.The international community has condemned Russia's move to violate Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and the United Nations regrets that the Russian army settled in Wudong.