Ukrainian crisis

US President Biden signed an administrative order to prohibit Americans from conducting new investment, trade and financing in the Donetsk and Lugusk region.A White House spokesman told the media that the United States was negotiating with allies and partners and coordinating each other's response to the development of the matter.

Cai Tiancheng sorting

[email protected]

<(Washington Composite Electric) After the Russian President Putin ordered the army to enter two separated areas in eastern Ukraine, the United States announced its first wave of sanctions, and European countries also followed up.However, these sanctions are not directly targeted at Russia and their strength is not great, because the United States and allies have not yet qualitative Russia's latest moves as "invasion".

Putin accused the Western countries of turning Ukraine into anti -Russian forts on Monday, so they announced that they acknowledged the two districts of Donetsk and Lugusk as an independent country, and ordered the Russian army to go to "peacekeeping".

U.S. President Biden immediately signed an administrative order to prohibit Americans from conducting new investment, trade and financing in the Donetzk and Lugusk region.

The White House spokesman told the media that the United States is negotiating with the allies and partners countries to coordinate each other's response to the development of the matter.

According to the White House news, Bayeng and Ukraine President Zelei held a 35 -minute conference call to reiterate the US commitment to ensure that the territory and sovereignty of Ukraine would be complete and explained to Zelei"Specific sanctions" in the United States.

Biden also called with the two major European allies French President Macron and German Chancellor Tsutz.They "strongly condemned" Putin's decision and discussed how to coordinate the response of the Three Kingdoms.

Tsumarz told the media in Berlin that he would stop the certification review of the Nord Stream 2 (Nord Stream 2).He said: "Without approval, Beixi 2 will not be enabled."

Germany highly rely on Russia's natural gas supply, so it attaches great importance to this Russian and German natural gas pipeline cooperation plan, but the recent situation of Ukraine is becoming more tense.The position of Tonalz also turned tough.

The French government advocates adopt moderate and targeted sanctions.

British sanctions five Russian banks and three high net worth individuals

British Prime Minister Johnson said to reporters after chairing the National Security Council on Tuesday"Strong" economic sanctions on Russia.He announced that five Russian banks and three high net worth individuals, including Putin's old diplomatic relations, Gennady Timchenko.Johnson said: "If Russia invades Ukraine, it will still face more sanctions."

Analysis pointed out that although the West has repeatedly emphasized that Russia will face serious economic sanctions on any intervention in Ukraine's internal affairs.However, the current sanctions of the West are limited to the prohibition of economic and trade with the two districts of Wudong. Since these regions have armed conflicts in 2014, economic activities have been greatly reduced.It is remarkable that the German government has decided to suspend the Beixi No. 2 project.

Although the European Union accused Putin of "choosing the situation to upgrade the situation", it has not used the words "aggression" to condemn Russia.Lithuanian Foreign Minister Langzbelgis said on Tuesday: "The aggression on our partners has not yet appeared, but the situation is being upgraded rapidly."The statement pointed out that the independence of the two districts of Wudong is openly violated international regulations and ignores Ukrainian sovereignty and the Minsk agreement.

The Ambassador of EU member states also met on Tuesday to discuss sanctions on Russia.EU officials revealed that the ambassadors of 27 member states have discussed a large scope of sanctions, not just for personal travel restrictions and frozen assets.

As for how strong the sanctions should be, there are still differences between member states, because the EU and Russia have close economic and trade relations, and also rely on Russia's energy supply. Some member states are therefore hoping to take limited sanctions.The EU's final sanctions plan must also be held by the EU members' heads.

another major American allies, Japan, also intends to coordinate with other countries to impose sanctions on Russia.

The Japanese media reported yesterday that if Putin ordered the invasion of Ukraine, Japan will join the ranks of international sanctions led by the United States, including prohibiting export technology products from Russia.