Social Act

April 12, 2021

The US Senate Foreign Relations Committee will meet on April 14 to discuss and vote for the 2021 strategic competition bill jointly promoted by a two -party party to strengthen China's ability to prevent the global influence.This is a special bill that is completely targeted at China's threat. Once passed, it is tantamount to the beginning of the United States and China.Since the disclosure of the high -level dialogue between the US -China Alaska, the two countries have become more intensive in their diplomatic attitude and action.

The bill of 283 pages of the minister requires the US government to strengthen military monitoring of Chinese weapons and space equipment, strengthen human rights through allies and multilateral mechanisms, and curb China's harm to human rights in Asia and global expansion, tighten tighteningChina ’s funding for American higher education institutions to prevent intellectual property theft, restrict high -tech exports to China, and so on.Senior senators described the bill to make the United States prepare and respond to Chinese competition in "the next decades".In other words, the bill is the United States in the future and long -term national policy of China, and the tone is not friendly.

History does not simply repeat, but it can provide valuable reference.For those who are familiar with the history of the Cold War of the United States and the Soviet Union, the content of the 2021 Strategic Competition Act and the US Senator ’s“ next decades ”are obviously enough to produce related associations.When the United States determined the Soviet Union as the main strategic threat, the consensus for the Soviet policy formed by the Soviet Union runs through the nine presidents from Truman to the old Bush, which is nearly half a century until the collapse of the Berlin wall and the disintegration of the Soviet Union.The Republican or Democratic Party has not been much deviated in policies.Therefore, as long as the US Congress approved bill, the overall situation of the United States and China is basically determined.

China's response method has exacerbated the road of opposition between the two countries and even the opposition.The rise of nationalist mood has changed the diplomatic policy of Chinese tightness.On the one hand, the strength accumulated in the decades of reform and opening up has greatly enhanced China's national self -confidence and pride, and therefore began to strive for international status and influence that matches its own national strength.Formulation; on the other hand, the historical memory of the so -called "century -old national shame" has also led to China's diplomatic posture easily swing between sadness and pride, giving the outside world a impression of mood higher than rationality.

Since the start of the Sino -US trade war, the contradiction between China and the Western world seems to be continuously increasing and spreading.From the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law, the controversy of the Xinjiang Uyghur "ethnic extinction", the source and accountability of the coronary virus, the "martial arts" call for Taiwan, the freedom of HNA China, etc.Increased, it is increasingly difficult to communicate with the EU -based Western countries.The comprehensive investment agreement that was originally regarded as China's diplomatic breakout, recently, due to China's improving the sanctions of the European Union on the issue of Xinjiang, the agreement was on the verge of reef.Following the Britain and France, Germany announced that it sent warships to the South China Sea in August, reflecting the speed and degree of reversal of Sino -European relations.

The situation is also not optimistic on the Taiwan issue that China is most concerned about.Since the US Congress passed the Taiwan Protection Law in 2020, the US State Department recently promulgated new standards to relax US Taiwan's official contact at the official level.Guidelines describe Taiwan "a dynamic democratic system and important security and economic partners, and it is also a good force in the international community."After the employment of China, the frequency of the aircraft and warships around Taiwan, the U.S. State Department immediately issued a statement to express its promise to Taiwan's "strong rock".When Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi called on April 5 with Japanese foreign minister Maomin, he warned Tokyo to "do not stretch his hands too long", but he could not change Japan's decision to cooperate with the United States to intervene in the Taiwan Strait's military conflict.

The occasion of the Suez Canal in March highlight the vulnerability of economic globalization, or accelerate the adjustment of the world's industrial chain, and affect the economic foundation of the existing geopolitical pattern.The phenomenon of deep dependence of the economies of the crown disease before the crown disease will be deeply changed.As a world factory, China may have suffered a lot.If the tension between China and the Western world does not improve, the international investment and foreign trade environment that plays the role of the Cold Warfare Wall may not avoid the deterioration of the situation.As a result, all walks of life must pay close attention to the legislative process of the 2021 Strategic Competition Act in the United States.