(Morning Post) US President Biden has severely sanctions against Russia to respond to Russian President Putin acknowledged that Ukraine's two separatist forces control regions as independent countries, and ordered the Russian army to enter the local decision.Objects to the US sanctions include Russian elites and two banks.

Reuters and New York Times comprehensive reports, the United States and its allies have accused the Kremlin accusing the Kremlin acknowledged that the independence of Unton Donetsk and Lugusk is an open contempt for international law.

Biden announced on Tuesday (February 22) in the East Hall of the White House that the United States will implement comprehensive blockade sanctions on the Russian State -owned Development Bank (VEB) and the largest private banks engaged in national defense transactions.Biden said that this means that the Russian government will not be able to conduct borrowing transactions in the United States and European markets, nor can they raise funds.

In his speech, he said that Putin's decision was equivalent to a large piece of land in dividing Ukraine, looking for reasons for him to occupy more territories with force, and called Russia's beginning of invasion of Ukraine.

Biden also announced on Tuesday that starting from February 23, sanctions on Russia's elites and family members will ensure that it will ensure that the most closest to Putin will not evade the material to crack down on Russian civilians.