(Manila / Washington Composite Electric) was called by the Philippines as its exclusive economic zone (WHITSUN Reef) two weeks ago, hundreds of Chinese ships suspected of militia."Fighting", but former U.S. officers pointed out that China has taken any practical actions against China after testing whether the US President Biden will cooperate with the region allies to curb China.

According to Bloomberg, the former director of the United States Pacific Command Joint Intelligence Center, Schuster pointed out that if China's goal is to occupy the sea and reefs without planning to fight, then this is a dishonesty but smartStrategy."Only professional seafarers will know that this is a lie -no ship will be in the storm area a few weeks before the storm comes. If it is really a commercial vessel, they are tied together so much, and they need to spend every day.Cost, even if it is not a few thousand yuan (USD, the same below), it costs at least a few hundred yuan. "

Schuster, who is currently a part -time instructor of Foreign and Military Sciences in Hawaii Pacific University, believes that this is a test of China to see if the Biden government takes any action on such actions."The US response will decide the next test. At present, we do more verbally, not substantial."

Film Foreign Minister Luo Qin has accused the Obama government of failing to 2012It occurred in a similar incident in SCARBORBORBOROUGH Shoal (Huangyan Island), which occurred in a similar incident. The incident was a precursor to the establishment of military facilities in the entire South China Sea in the South China Sea.

The United States stated that it supported the Philippines last month, accusing China of using maritime militia to intimidate, provoke and threaten other countries, and asked China to "comply with the rules" in the South China Sea and other places.

Bloomberg pointed out how a big problem is how to respond accurately. The use of commercial fishing vessels in China is equivalent to a "gray zone" strategy, so that Beijing can deny any improper behavior.If the United States sent an aircraft carrier or other warships to deal with it, it may make people feel excessive, but it is considered an invader.

But if the United States does nothing, it will look weak.In the past few years, the United States has increased its challenges to China's sovereignty in this sea, and has increased the frequency of so -called free sailing.The Biden government also reiterated that the US -Philippine Defense Treaty covers any attacks in the South China Sea.

Another main problem is that the Philippine President Duterte destroyed the United States and Philippine Alliance and established a closer relationship with Beijing.

According to Reuters, Duterte issued a statement yesterday saying that he would resolve diplomatic disputes with China in peacetime in the South China Sea.

Bloomberg pointed out how a big problem is how to respond accurately. The use of commercial fishing vessels in China is equivalent to a "gray zone" strategy, so that Beijing can deny any improper behavior.If the US aircraft carrier or other warships come to respond, it may make people feel that the response is over, but it is considered an invader.