The "Fairy Tale King Flagship Store" authorized by Zheng Yuanjie, an ambassador of the Chinese National Anti -Piracy, officially settled in Pinduoduo yesterday.Zheng Yuanjie said that the fairy tale king's book sells nearly 30,000 volumes per day, and the average volume is sold every 3 seconds.

According to the surging news report, the person in charge of "Duoduo Reading Month" said that the addition of the national anti -pirated image ambassador Zheng Yuanjie met the strong knowledge consumption needs of the Pinduoduo platform users, bringing more to the wider reader group.High -quality children's books, "fight" to how many children's fun, further promoting inclusiveness and scientific parenting.

Zheng Yuanjie's Pippiro's book sales increased year by year. In 2008, the United Nations awarded Zheng Yuanjie's "International Copyright Creative Gold Award".In 2011, the State Press and Publication Administration, the National Copyright Administration, and the National Copystick Sweeping Affairs Affairs Available in the Ambassador of the National Anti -Piracy of Zheng Yuanjie.

Pinduoduo officially launched the "Duoduo Reading Month" activity last Wednesday (March 31), which aims to promote the concept of "cheap and good books."In the next few days, Pinduoduo is about to officially introduce the tens of millions of reading funds to promote the good atmosphere of reading for all people, and initiate the book incense corner operation of donating teaching auxiliary books to primary and secondary school students in remote areas.

At present, Pinduoduo has continued to strengthen the introduction of high -quality books. As of now, more than 2700 publishers, book companies, and channels have been introduced to settle in and have reached close cooperation.

While promoting the reading of the whole people, Pinduoduo is still increasing the crackdown on pirated books.According to the person in charge of Pinduoduo Platform, the first application of artificial intelligence algorithms is used to use massive data for excavation and analysis, and reconstruct the model libraries such as illegal merchants, product identification, fake identification, inferior identification, etc. from the bottom.Hill online inspection.

The person in charge of "Duoduo Reading Month" revealed: "We hope to continue the official subsidy and traffic support of the genuine and good books of the cheap prices through a lot of reading monthly activities, and further promote in -depth cooperation with publishing houses and well -known authors.Bring more high -quality and cheap genuine books to consumers. "