(Bloomberg, Washington) International Consulting Company Eisenzhe's investigation found that in the next three years, shopping activities on social networks such as Facebook, Tiktok and WeChat will grow three times that of traditional shopping channels.

According to the report of ACCENTURE, by 2025, the transaction on social media platforms will be completely on the social media platform, that is, the transaction value of the socialCommerce is expected to reach US $ 1.2 trillion (about 16 million USAS $ 100 million), higher than last year's $ 492 billion.This trend is mainly driven by consumers of generations and millennials. Their consumption is estimated to account for 62%of them.

This report is based on online research on more than 10,000 social media users in China, India, Brazil, the United States and the United Kingdom from last August 12 to September 3 last year, as well as earlier last year last yearDelivery in -depth interviews obtained by these markets.

According to the survey, on social network platforms, the most popular products are clothing, home appliances and home decoration; the influence of Internet celebrities has also led to the increase in sales of beauty and personal care products.

In addition, more than half of the respondents say that compared to large -scale retailers, they are more willing to support small -scale businesses and may repeat consumption.This is good news for small business, and at the same time, new brands have the opportunity to attract consumers and build loyalty.

The survey also found that about 3.5 billion people used social media last year, and spent an average of two and a half hours a day on average.It is worth noting that the community business market in the United States and the United Kingdom is far from that of China as saturated. 80%of social media users in China consume on social platforms.

Essezhe said that in terms of scale and maturity, China will still be the most advanced community business market, while India and Brazil and other development markets have grown the fastest.